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VIDEO: Funniest News Bloopers. So Many Sexual Innuendos! Can’t Stop Laughing!

Everything is hard to say or do on camera if you know that you are being recorded, but it could only get that much worse if you know that are being filmed and that people all over the world are watching you live where you cannot edit anything out and everything will be forever remembered.

Anyone can write on Evonews. Start writing!

Being a news anchor has to be pretty bad because you can never have a bad, you have to keep your composure and never laugh or cry or be out of character.


But we are all human and we can all make mistakes and if the opportunity comes we certainly will. Maybe this is why we enjoy bloopers and fails so much because they remind us that everyone is human and everyone can do or say stupid things.

But when we’re talking about news bloopers, serious laughter and sexual innuendos things just get a whole lot better. If you come to think of it, without their professional training you would do a whole lot worse and you would probably be laughing at stupid news all day long without being able to control yourself.

If you’ve had a really bad day or something sad has happened to you and don’t really feel like looking good or doing things, you have to remember that this is not a choice and you still have to show up every single day and do your job.

Believe it or not, TV news is still a thing. No, seriously. According to, local television networks across the country regularly broadcast reports covering all sorts of events.

Of course, you don’t watch them because you have a smartphone and you know about everything these local stations cover long before their reports ever air. How? You get your news from the internet, so you know about things when they happen.

Of course, being stuck in the past isn’t always a bad thing. After all, you won’t see bloopers like this while you’re reading the news in your Twitter feed — or even while you’re reading the fake news in your Facebook feed.

Live local TV is great because there’s no safety net. If something goes wrong — and things often do go wrong — mistakes air for all the world to see. Well, it’s far more likely that only a handful of people are actually watching a local news station at any given time.


These wonderful bloopers live on forever on the internet though, and YouTube channel “News Be Funny Videos” loves nothing more than to collect them and share them with its subscribers.

On Wednesday, the YouTubers behind News Be Funny Videos posted a roundup of all of their favorite news bloopers that aired last month. The December roundup definitely has a few gems in it, like that time an anchor lost control of an electric scooter and destroyed Good Day LA’s set.

As is always the case with local newscasters, you can expect plenty of uncontrollable laughter to break out when sexual innuendo works its way into a report. Oh, those crazy newsies…

