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VIDEO: They Hear Creepy Noises from the Attic. When They Went in… OMG!

Nowadays we need to find a logical explanation for anything that is happening in our presence or even all the way across the planet. We need to find a good explanation even for things that seem to be unnatural and paranormal.

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There has to be an explanation for all of these phenomenon and things that can’t be explained are said to be modified, photoshopped or even staged by people to look like something paranormal was going on.


According to, when it comes to ghosts and spirits people are generally split into two categories; those who believe in them and those who do not. Many people say “seeing is believing” but that doesn’t seem to apply when it comes to paranormal activity.

A lot of people view whatever evidence there is of spirits, ghosts, and apparitions with preconceived notions that it’s all fake. It is too easy to write off the many photos, documents, first hand accounts, and videos as either forgeries, lies, or doctored images and tapes.

One thing that is for certain is that strange things seem to happen in home basements or attics. It seems like spirits and ghosts prefer those spots over any other rooms in the house. Maybe the dark, quiet spaces are better suited for paranormal needs.

Regardless of whatever the reason is, those places are scary enough on their own, especially when you have an overactive imagination. However, when you notice that something strange is indeed happening in your attic, you naturally want to get to the bottom of it.

After all, it’s very disconcerting to hear noises or activity coming from a part of your home that should be empty. Plus, what if there is an animal living up there, you can’t just ignore it. When Donna and Revan Smith noticed that something strange was happening in their attic they naturally checked it out.

Seeing no evidence of animals or any obvious signs that could point to the source of the noises they kept hearing at night, they assumed it was perhaps a ghost. So they set up a camera in the attic in hopes of catching whatever it was in action and placed what they termed “3 trigger objects” in view of the lens to see if the spirit would interact with them.

You can see the items in the clip, they are a ball, a flashlight, and a creepy looking doll.


With everything set up and in place the Smith’s switched the camera on and retreated to their bedroom which is located right below the attic. They’d set up the camera feed so that it played live through their TV and they could see everything happening in real time.

Seeing if they could get a reaction, Donna asked any spirit that may be present to give them a sign. Unbelievably, a spirit or ghost or something responded by switching on the flashlight they’d left. The ghost then turned it off, and Donna asked if could do it again.

You can see the flashlight turn back on a second time and then off. According to the video comments, the flashlight was an LED type, which do not turn on and off by themselves. Thus, a force that cannot be explained appears to be turning the flashlight on and off!

