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VIDEO: Paranormal Activity Caught on Camera

This video that has been making the rounds on social media might change your mind if you are one of those people who don’t believe that other spiritual entities are in the world with us.

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This guy installed a camera in his bedroom and what it recorded will shock you!


What do you make of it? Was it a ghost? Was it just a glitch? Was it an earth bound spirit? But… what are spirits, exactly?

According to Wikipedia, in spiritual and metaphysical terms, “spirit” has acquired a number of meanings:

– An incorporeal but ubiquitous, non-quantifiable substance or energy present individually in all living things. Unlike the concept of souls (often regarded as eternal and sometimes believed to pre-exist the body) a spirit develops and grows as an integral aspect of a living being.

– A daemon, sprite, or ghost. People usually conceive of a ghost as a wandering spirit from a being no longer living, having survived the death of the body yet maintaining at least vestiges of mind and consciousness.

– In religion and spirituality, the respiration of a human has for obvious reasons become seen as strongly linked with the very occurrence of life. A similar significance has become attached to human blood. Spirit, in this sense, means the thing that separates a living body from a corpse—and usually implies intelligence, consciousness, and sentience.

– Latter-day Saint prophet Joseph Smith Jr. taught that the concept of spirit as incorporeal or without substance was incorrect: “There is no such thing as immaterial matter. All spirit is matter, but it is more fine or pure, and can only be discerned by purer eyes.”

– In some Native American spiritual traditions the Great Spirit or Wakan Tanka is a term for the Supreme Being.


– Various forms of animism, such as Japan’s Shinto and African traditional religion, focus on invisible beings that represent or connect with plants, animals (sometimes called “Animal Fathers”), or landforms (kami): translators usually employ the English word “spirit” when trying to express the idea of such entities.

– Individual spirits envisaged as interconnected with all other spirits and with “The Spirit” (singular and capitalized). This concept relates to theories of a unified spirituality, to universal consciousness and to some concepts of Deity.

In this scenario all separate “spirits”, when connected, form a greater unity, the Spirit, which has an identity separate from its elements plus a consciousness and intellect greater than its elements; an ultimate, unified, non-dual awareness or force of life combining or transcending all individual units of consciousness.

The experience of such a connection can become a primary basis for spiritual belief.

– Christian spiritual theology can use the term “Spirit” to describe God, or aspects of God — as in the “Holy Spirit”, referring to a Triune God (Trinity).

– Harmonism reserves the term “spirit” for those that collectively control and influence an individual from the realm of the mind.

– Psychical research, “In all the publications of the Society for Psychical Research the term ‘spirit’ stands for the personal stream of consciousness whatever else it may ultimately be proved to imply or require,” wrote James H. Hyslop.

Joanna Grey
