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VIDEO: Hot Girl Grabs Random Men’s Hand on Escalator. HILARIOUS Reactions!

A man and woman from Italy decided to see how people react to certain things in public. They each got on an escalator and they would touch random people’s hands and wink or blow a kiss at them to see what they would do. While some started laughing others instantly turned to their significant others to explain that they didn’t know that person as if they have been known to cheat.

According to, a mischievous French prankster also has revealed just how people react when their hands are touched unexpectedly by a stranger while riding an escalator – and it isn’t always pretty.

Serial joker Grégory Guillotin posted the video on his YouTube channel showing how he caressed the hands of unsuspecting male shoppers as they passed in the opposite direction while in a mall.
With a French love song as the soundtrack, the comedian chooses his targets carefully before gently placing his hands on theirs… often quickly following up with a cheeky wink or a wave.


Wearing designer stubble and his hair swept back, the joker watches to see how his escalator suitors react to his physical affection.

Initially, there is confusion, as the ‘touched’ look around to see where the hand came from.

When they spy the person behind it, they’re greeted with Guillotin looking lovingly at them, while fluttering his eyelids, licking his lips or blowing a kiss.

At one point, a man wearing a white hat mutters under his breath as he descends and looks to be swearing at Guillotin.
Another, wearing headphones, looks bemused and humiliated as he stands at the bottom of the moving staircase staring back at him.

An older man with his wife looks equally terrified. While his wife smiles, he looks cross before making a symbol of aggression.
One man gets so irritated by Guillotin, who stops at the top the escalator to offer a little wave, that he starts to punch his first into his palm, suggesting that’s what he’ll do the Frenchman if he gets hold of him.

Another swears at him loudly in French and one even ascends the escalator to confront him face-to-face.
When he reaches him, the comedian explains the ruse and asks him to look in the direction of the camera, at which point he realises he’s been pranked and smiles.
Only a few of those starring in the video seem to take it on the chin, with some laughing and one man raising a thumb’s up.

The ensuing video, entitled Coup de foudre entre hommes en escalator, literally meaning ‘Love at first sight between two men on an escalator’, was posted to his YouTube channel and has now had 3.4 million views.


The way people react to random touches is quite interesting and once more proves just how different people are and what they find to be acceptable and what not. How would you have reacted to a similar situation? Do you think that this prank is funny or not?

