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VIDEO: INCREDIBLE! These People Can’t Feel Any Pain No Matter How Horrible

There are some people that can’t feel any pain at all. While this sounds like it is a very good thing, it actually isn’t all the good. CIP is a very rare disorder that makes people unable to feel pain from the moment they are born. A lot of people that have this disorder don’t even make it to adulthood because of injuries or infections that go unnoticed.
According to, when Vicki and Paul Waters were youngsters they didn’t throw their toys around during tantrums. They had a much more shocking way of getting their parents’ attention – they’d burn themselves or break their own bones because they cannot feel pain. The brother and sister have an extremely rare condition called Congenital Insensitivity to Pain, which stops their nerves recognizing physical distress.
Paul, 25, and Vicki, 24, can feel sensations like wind, temperature, and pressure – but they have no idea what being hurt is like. Their ordeal has resulted in them breaking nearly every bone in their bodies at least once.
Only a handful of people share their condition and many die before adulthood when injuries or infections go undiagnosed.
Paul was diagnosed with CIP when he was just nine months old. “I knew something was wrong when he was a newborn,” says mum Christine, 56. “He never cried as a baby. Once I put the nappy pin through his skin by accident. It drew blood. But he didn’t make a peep.”
Bob and Christine did their best to keep their children safe but accidents were inevitable. “Every time I blinked they seemed to injure themselves. As a mother it was unbearable,” says chemist Christine.
Paul admits he wouldn’t think twice about blackmailing his parents with his disability to get what he wanted when he was a child.
Paul still has a scar down his back from when he leaned against a radiator at nursery school. “I was stuck. I ripped a chunk of flesh off,” he says. “I was always doing things like that accidentally.”
As a result of their numerous past injuries the siblings, from Dartford, Kent, both suffer from crippling arthritis. Paul can only walk 50 yards before his knees start swelling.
“I threw myself out of a second-floor window for a joke once,” recalls Paul. “I shattered several bones and was covered in blood but I thought it was funny. But sometimes other children would stick pins in my back without me knowing. So I still got bullied like most children.”
Paul says one of the hardest things about his condition is his height.He is 5ft tall because he snapped his limbs so frequently it stunted his growth.
Now, life for Paul and Vicki is a daily battle to avoid injury. When something internal is wrong they have no idea.
Vicki, who lives with her boyfriend Matt, was terrified when she fell pregnant with son Rufus. “I worried there might be a problem with the pregnancy and I wouldn’t know about it,” she says.
Vicki underwent a caesarean to give birth – but she felt no pain from the operation afterward.
They have been told their condition is incurable and doctors still have no idea which genes are responsible. But Vicki and Paul’s GP, Dr Edward Malpass in Kent, has been a constant source of support.

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