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VIDEO: She’s 42 Weeks Pregnant but Instead of Rushing to the Hospital She Stops to Twerk!

This woman is in her 42nd week of pregnancy which means she is due any day now. Still, this doesn’t stop her from having fun and doing all the things she has always enjoyed doing.

It seems that everything is going just fine for her and she can dance to her heart’s content. Together with her husband, they start a spontaneous and really fun dance routine right outside their car in the middle of nowhere. Both of them seem to be very talented and certainly have got the moves.

Anyone can write on Evonews. Start writing!


The baby will probably grow up to be just as talented seeing as both his parents know how to dance so well. How fun will it be when the baby grows a little? They can have dance parties all the time!

According to, although it’s perfectly normal for a baby to arrive past the due date, you and your baby will get some extra attention this week.


To be sure all is well, your practitioner will likely monitor your overdue baby. When this latecomer finally makes her debut, chances are her skin will be dry, cracked, peeling or wrinkled — all completely temporary. That’s because the protective vernix was shed weeks ago in anticipation of a delivery date that came and went.

A tardy baby will also have longer nails, possibly longer hair and little or none of that baby fuzz (lanugo). She’ll also be more alert — “Hi, Mommy!”

Well — the due date’s come and gone…two weeks ago. You’re still pregnant as ever (make that, more pregnant than ever) and your baby, still happily (make that, too happily?) ensconced in that uterine home, seems in no hurry to budge.

At 42 weeks pregnant, you’re not alone in your frustration and neither is your baby in his or her tardiness. Most babies have their own timetables when it comes to delivery; fewer than five percent are actually born on their due date.



Most babies continue to thrive well into the 10th month (though you may have lost that “thriving” feeling long ago) — but just to be sure, your practitioner is likely to monitor your baby through nonstress tests and biophysical profiles.

There’s one thing for sure: Whenever your baby chooses to arrive, you’ll be meeting that little bundle of joy with open arms. Happy cuddling!

Okay, after all those weeks of preparation, do you sort of have that hurry-up-and-wait feeling? At 42 weeks pregnant, you know why they call you an expectant mother — and why now, in your 42nd long, long week, you may be calling yourself an over expectant mother. Don’t be discouraged — and don’t call the folks at Guinness to put yourself down as the longest pregnancy on record… just yet.

It may be helpful to keep in mind that your estimated due date was just that — estimated. So even though your baby seems (by all calendar accounts) to be overdue, there’s a chance your dates (not your baby) are just a little off the mark, especially if you didn’t have an early ultrasound (before week 18) to date your pregnancy.

So hang in there and continue to watch for signs of impending labor (or get ready for an impending induction if your practitioner goes that route). One prelabor sign to look for may be loose bowel movements. Some women experience mild diarrhea just prior to the onset of labor.

Think of it as nature’s enema — a way to empty your intestines to make room for the baby’s passage through the birth canal. Not such a pleasant thought — but certainly better than pooping on the birthing bed (though most women do that too and it’s nothing to worry about).

