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VIDEO: 8 Signs That a Woman Needs to Have You Right Now!

All human beings have some basic needs that require to be satisfied before we can focus on anything else and function properly. No one can live without water and food for a long time and this also applies to sex because as time goes by without it we start to experience all sorts of things that are not good for us. You might not even realize that this is what you need because there are various symptoms that could indicate other problems.
According to, your physiological and sexual needs can be observed in your body through a set of symptoms that reflect your desires for sexual contact and exciting new experiences.
The lack of sex has physical and emotional effects, regardless of whether or not you are aware of them. This basic human need is much deeper than the pleasure it generates, because it also plays an important role in your health and well being.
For a variety of reasons, some people try to repress their sexual desire and are self-conscious of it; in the meantime, others find it easy to express themselves and don’t hesitate to take advantage of an exciting new experience when given the opportunity.
Regardless of which type of person you are, if a long time passes without sexual activity, your desires become evident thanks to a set of behaviors or signals.
Have you had trouble sleeping lately? Having sex stimulates the secretion of a hormone known as oxytocin, which is important for getting good sleep.
When a person doesn’t engage in sexual activity for a long time, difficulty sleeping can arise as a result.
Wild mood swings and ups and downs, particularly at work and among friends, is likely a sign that your body craves sex.
Obviously this isn’t the only reason you might be experiencing stress or moodiness. But if it’s been weeks or months since your last sexual encounter, you run a higher risk of experiencing negative emotions like irritability, pessimism, and abrupt changes in your attitude.
To some degree, everyone has fantasies or dreams of sex; usually they occur at night or as a result of some kind of stimulus.
But when such fantasies become more frequent or appear at various times of the day, it’s a clear sign that your body craves sex and more sexual activity.
It might be counter-intuitive to think that sex can improve the appearance of your skin, but it’s true. When you have sex often, your pores open up and release impurities that otherwise might cause blemishes.
Obviously there are cosmetic treatments for this, but just like any other physical activity, having sex helps eliminate toxins through sweat and increased blood flow.
If you notice that your face has lost some of its natural shine and you’re experiencing more pimples or acne than normal, it could mean your body craves sex.
Not having sexual experiences can even lead to social isolation. This is because your body is producing fewer endorphins, hormones that promote better mood and the desire to be around other people
Feeling more pain than usual? Not having sex results in a decreased production of serotonin and endorphins – the “happy hormones” that are known for reducing levels of pain.
Odds are that when you stop having sex, you might begin to feel uncertain about yourself and everything you do.
Sex is an activity that improves self-esteem, allowing both men and women to feel desired and cared for.
When you don’t have this experience it causes personal dissatisfaction, which can lead to depression, anxiety, and difficulty in making decisions.
Be careful! When you feel lonely you’re more likely to make bad decisions, particularly when it comes to sex.

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