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VIDEO: Top 10 Bizarre Alien Encounters. Do You Think They Are Real?

While some people think that there is no such thing as aliens there are other who are convinced that they exist and not only this, but they actually visit us quite often. There have been alien sightings and people have seen UFOs or even say that they have been abducted by aliens. The thing is that most people didn’t have the means to record any of it and those that have, the footage is interpretative. There is just no way at this moment to tell for sure neither if it’s real, nor if it is not. It all depends on the person who is watching them and their own system of beliefs.

According to, there are plenty of important moments in time in which people have said they were certain they have seen alien activity.

Ranking as one of the most famous UFO incidents in history – and now a pop culture phenomenon – the Roswell incident saw UFO hunters claim that the US military had captured an alien aircraft. While the military maintains that the ‘flying saucer’ was actually a surveillance device from a classified operation, non-believers still cite extra-terrestrial activity to this day.


Like the Roswell incident 27 years earlier, rumors of a UFO crash in the Berwyn mountains followed after reports of shaking ground and strange lights in the sky. Investigations began and Gwynedd police recorded a statement from a witness who claimed to have seen a “bright red light, like coal fire red. Large perfect circle. Like a big bonfire. Could see lights above and to the right and white lights moving to the bottom. The light changed color to yellowish white and back again.” No remains were found and the unsteady ground was likely to have been caused by the Bala Earthquake which hit the area that night, but several locals still insist they saw a glowing, egg-shaped craft.

The navy was drafted in after a large, unidentified object crashed into Shag Harbour in Nova Scotia. A search and investigation was conducted but later classified as unsolved by the Canadian Department of National Defence when a clear conclusion could not be reached.

Newspapers had a field day with Kenneth Arnold’s story, even coining the term ‘flying saucer’ after the American businessman and pilot claimed he’d seen nine saucer-like objects flying in a chain near Mount Rainier in Washington.

In 1961, Barney and Betty Hill from Portsmouth, New Hampshire, reported that they had been kidnapped by aliens. According to the couple, they had been followed by a flying saucer while driving in their car, abducted and then subjected to an intimate physical examination. They also recall observing a 3D ‘star map’ inside the ship. Even under hypnosis, the Hill’s maintained their story and aroused massive interest and publicity.

In what is called the Maury Island incident, Sailor Harold Dahl experienced a run-in with the real ‘men in black’, after claiming to have seen six UFOs while scavenging for driftwood in Washington’s Puget Sound. The next day he was approached by an unknown, black-suited individual who warned him off repeating his story with threats against his family. However, it’s unclear whether the UFO incident was actually real or a secret military exercise which had gone wrong.

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