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VIDEO: Couple Adopts Dying Neighbor’s 3 Kids

Audrey, a single mother of three, was diagnosed with esophageal and stomach cancer after having some tests done. Realizing that she didn’t have much time left, she wanted to make sure her children would be taken care of. Although she didn’t know them very well, she took a chance on her neighbors, Tisha and Kevin, who surprisingly agreed. These parents of five opened their hearts and home to raise Audrey’s kids.

Read the full story below, provided by

The story begins with Audrey, mother of three, and her neighbor Tisha, who had five kids of her own. Audrey asked Tisha to babysit her children for her while she went into the hospital for some health tests. Unfortunately, her tests came back with bad news: she had been diagnosed with stage two esophageal and stomach cancer. As the prognosis was not very bright, Audrey was faced with a difficult choice. With no one else to turn to, she asked Tisha if she would become legal guardian to her children once she passed away.


As it turns out, the decision was made all the more personal for Tisha given her own background. Tisha grew up in an orphanage and as a result, she understood the pain of not having stable parents around. After some deliberation, she decided to take in all the children as her own and just like that, her family of seven became a family of 10.

After seeing Tisha’s incredible generosity, her friend Elizabeth Thames was moved and wanted to call attention to her incredible story. As a result, she got in touch with the Fox 5 Surprise Squad to do whatever they could to make the new family’s life easier. Naturally, the team at Fox 5 was happy to oblige.

Tisha sat down with the team and explained that Audrey had already passed away. Since her death had come so quickly, Tisha was faced with the difficult process of becoming a foster mom so that she could legally take in all of Audrey’s kids. In order to meet state standards, Audrey would need to make sure each of the children had their own bedrooms, a difficult task in a small home. Fortunately, the Fox 5 team was able to step in and help.

The news team told Tisha that they would only be making some minor changes to her home to get it up to code. What she didn’t know was that they intended to far more than that—the organization completely renovated the house including new carpets, interior remodeling, and even landscaping work. Needless to say, Tisha and the kids were beside themselves when they saw the results.

Although this story came out of a tragedy, this story shows once again just how much can happen when people open their hearts to those in need. Just to top everything off, the team also kicked in a year’s worth of free groceries—and a brand new car to haul all those kids around. All told, the team delivered what they needed the most: all the necessities to raise a new family.

Anyone can write on Evonews. Start writing!


Joanna Grey
