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VIDEO: The World Welcomes so Beautifully Newborn Twins!

These adorable babies think they are still in their mother’s womb, so the nurse uses a special technique to gently introduce the babies to their new environment. Amazingly, the twins don’t panic, don’t cry, they remain in a sweet hug with one another and easily start to move around and open their eyes. This is the miracle of life! God bless them and their parents!

Twins have always fascinated all of us, as the strong connection between them seems almost magical at times. That’s why numerous studies have been conducted in order to understand unveil their mysteries.

According to Wikipedia, twin studies are utilized in an attempt to determine how much of a particular trait is attributable to either genetics or environmental influence. These studies compare monozygotic and dizygotic twins for medical, genetic, or psychological characteristics to try to isolate genetic influence from epigenetic and environmental influence. Twins that have been separated early in life and raised in separate households are especially sought-after for these studies, which have been used widely in the exploration of human nature. Classical twin studies are now being supplemented with molecular genetic studies which identify individual genes.


There have been many studies highlighting the development of language in twins compared to single-born children. These studies have converged on the notion that there is a greater rate of delay in language development in twins compared to their single-born counterparts. The reasons for this phenomenon are still in question; however, cryptophasia (a kind of idioglossia) was thought to be the major cause. Cryptophasia is another term to describe what some people call “twin talk”, where a language is developed by twins that only they can understand. The increased focused communication between two twins may isolate them from the social environment surrounding them. Current research is looking into the impacts of a richer social environment for these twins to stimulate their development of language.

Read the full story below, provided by

The sweet twin babies in this video have just been born. In fact, they don’t even realize that they are out in the world yet… They think they’re still in the womb! So using a special technique, this nurse places them into a bath with a soft stream of water coming from the faucet onto their faces. It’s designed to gently introduce the babies to their new environment.

Surprisingly, the newborns aren’t too startled by this process. They don’t cry or panic, they remain in a sweet hug with one another and slowly begin to take their first breaths of air through their little mouths. Very slowly, the sweet babies start to move around, eventually opening their eyes to their new surroundings and to life.  The two are absolutely precious. Yawning, hand holding, stretching, and even enjoying the flow of water from the faucet.

It’s so rare to be able to witness the very beginning of a new life, much less two lives! This video captures such an incredible moment, and it is truly a reminder of how precious, fragile and beautiful life is.

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