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VIDEO: This Toddler Has Got the Moves! So Cute and Funny!

Savannah is a lovely little girl who steals the show when music comes on. With some extra dance classes, she could be a rising star. But until then, she’s too sweet not to be known. Time to hit the dance floor!
You know what they say about rhythm: either you’re born with it or you’re not! And once you see this talented little toddler shake her groove thing in the kitchen, you’ll be convinced that she was born with the gift of rhythm.
According to, the toddler is described as a very spirited kid when it comes to music. Little Savannah loves to twirl around, shake and shimmy all day long at every opportunity she gets. Whether it’s country music, rock ‘n roll or pop, this tiny dancer is ready to dance. And when some inspirational music comes on that strikes her fancy, no matter where she is, she stops everything to squeeze in a little dance.
She loves dancing so much that she’s even stopped everything to dance in the shopping cart when the music played on the overhead speakers at Walmart.
When you see the clip below of her adorable dance moves to the Iggy Azalea song, “Fancy,” we’re pretty sure it will make your day. From the way she claps her hands together to the sassy little sway in her hips, Savannah’s dancing is the cutest thing ever!
Most children these days really love dancing but not all of them are as talented and as funny as Savannah. She has dance straight in her heart and she can’t stop moving and grooving. She can’t resist any good song and she just has to bust a move. The place and time doesn’t matter. Neither do clothes, they are actually quite optional. You don’t need any special decor or occasion to dance to her heart’s content.
If she wouldn’t have a bed time and other toddler things she would probably never stop dancing. We hope she always has this passion, even later on in life and that she will grow up to be whatever she wants to. But looking at her now, we are pretty certain that she will end up being a great, famous dancer. This isn’t the last time we will be watching videos of her dancing on the internet. We’re pretty sure that if she keeps things up we will be seeing her dancing in music videos in the future.
Until then we can keep watching this video of her over and over again admiring her spirit and dedication. Not only is she completely adorable, but she will certainly make you have a good laughter session. If this isn’t the cutest thing you will see all day long, we don’t know what it is. We’ve seen many videos of children of all ages trying to dance and while we’ve seen children that dance better than Savannah, none of them were as funny or as cute as this little diva.
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