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VIDEO: This couple that spent 75 years together passed away in each other’s arms

Nowadays, there seems to be a general belief that true love rarely exists anymore. Alexander and Jeanette proved this wrong. After spending 75 years together, the couple passed away in each others’ arms after their health got deteriorated, one after another. The fact that they died in each others’ arms, hours apart, shows that true love actually exists and that with hard work, we can all experience it.
People these days, often believe that true love doesn’t exist. Most of them say this because their past relationship just caused them too much pain, but this story might be the best way for you to believe again that true love exists.
According to, from the very start, Alexander and Jeanette knew that they would be spending their whole life together. They became best friends when they were 8 years old.
They had been together for 75 years and got married way back in 1940. From that day, they vowed to be at each others side until death.
Something later happened to Alexander that challenged their love, Alexander suffered from a broken hip and was bedridden. Just a few days after the bad news from Alexander’s health, Jeanette’s health was also getting worse. Both of them were so ill, so the hospital provided them a room with a bed that they could share.
“Wait for me, I’ll be there soon.” Jeanette said after Alexander passed away. And in just a few hours, Jeanette followed her husband before the day ended.
The nurses were really touched after seeing both of them are lying lifeless in each other’s arms. They just proved to everyone that forever, lifetime and eternity exists.
They aren’t the only couple to prove this to us all in this day and age when people seem to be giving up on love way too quickly and jumping from one person to the next. In fact, most of the relationships that come to mind involve old people that have been together for decades through all sorts of hardships and sufferings, through horrible diseases and wars.
We rarely hear about young people that defied the odds and stuck together and seem to never break up because the old people have something in a much larger quantity than younger people. And that’s faith. Faith in God, faith in themselves and faith in each other.
Instead of running away or letting go, these people don’t throw away everything for something new or just because at the moment it isn’t smooth sailing. They try and fix it and they fight for it because they know that, in the end, it’s all worth it and you get to spend the rest of your life with the person you love more and treasure above all the rest.
So if you find yourself watching this video and thinking about true love that never ends then you should take a hard look at your life and see if there’s someone in it that’s worth fighting for or wait for the person that is and never let them go.

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Lydia Peirce
