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VIDEO: Ellen DeGeneres Surprises this Young Family

Ellen DeGeneres has always loved helping those in the military and their families, so it is no surprise that she managed to help this young family as well. Vania Ferreira was expecting her third child when her husband got deployed, so it was rather tough for her to get along. After being invited at Ellen’s show, Vania was surprised when Ellen herself called Rob on Skype and then presented Vania will all kinds of gifts, including a $20,000 cheque.

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Ellen has always had a soft spot for brave military heroes and their families. In May 2013, she invited a military wife to the show after hearing she was such a huge fan. At the time, Vania Ferreira’s husband, Rob, was deployed as a 1st Lt. Officer in the Air Force.


Vania would play Ellen’s videos featuring heartwarming military reunions for her kids, to show them that their dad would be coming home soon.

A pregnant Vania and her two kids (plus one more on the way) sat down with Ellen, but she was disappointed that Rob couldn’t be there with her. So, Ellen managed to do the next best thing. Rob uses Skype to video chat with his kids every night, so this time, it was Ellen who called Rob, right there during the show taping.

Vania was stunned to turn and see Rob’s smiling face on the screen behind her.

But moments later, Ellen revealed another surprise — and this time it was Rob who sat there from his base, completely stunned by what was happening on the other side of the camera.

When Vania and Rob broke down simultaneously, I nearly did, too. If there’s any family who deserves this, it’s the Ferreira family.

Show your support for our troops and military families — please share this awesome surprise with your friends on Facebook!

According to Wikipedia, DeGeneres launched a daytime television talk show, The Ellen Degeneres Show, in September 2003. One of several celebrity-hosted talk shows surfacing at the beginning of that season, including those of Sharon Osbourne and Rita Rudner, her show has consistently risen in the Nielsen ratings and received widespread critical praise. It was nominated for 11 Daytime Emmy Awards in its first season, winning four, including Best Talk Show. The show has won 25 Emmy Awards for its first three seasons on the air. DeGeneres is known for her dancing and singing with the audience at the beginning of the show and during commercial breaks. She often gives away free prizes and trips to be in her show’s studio audience with the help of her sponsors.


DeGeneres received wide exposure on November 4, 2001, when she hosted the televised broadcast of the Emmy Awards. Presented after two cancellations due to network concerns that a lavish ceremony following the September 11 attacks would appear insensitive, the show required a more somber tone that would also allow viewers to temporarily forget the tragedy. DeGeneres received several standing ovations for her performance that evening.

Anyone can write on Evonews. Start writing!

Lydia Peirce
