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VIDEO: Family of 181 Lives Under One Roof! See How Their House Looks!

A man named Ziona holds the record as head of the world’s largest existing family, with 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughters-in-law, and over 40 grandchildren. He has established a school for his children and he doesn’t want any help from the government.
The “Chanas” at No9 comprises 181 members. Dad Ziona has 39 wives, 94 children, 14 daughters-in-law and 33 grandchildren — all living together under one roof. It is believed that this is the biggest family in the world with the biggest house of all, having 100 rooms and four stories. explains that Ziona, 67, the head of the family, also runs his own sect — which allows multiple marriages.
He says he feels blessed to have so many of his brood living with him, adding:“Today I feel like God’s special child. He’s given me so many people to look after. I consider myself a lucky man to be the husband of 39 women and head of the largest family.”
None of the men that are in this family get any help from the government, they work as carpenters and do just fine on their own.
The family’s home is called Chhuanthar Run — which translates as “the house of
the new generation” — in the hills of Baktawng village, in the Indian state
of Mizoram.

The house also has its own school, a playground, carpentry workshops, piggery and
poultry farms, paddy fields – and a vegetable garden big enough to feed the
entire extended family.
Imagine so many people living at once and how the meals would be prepared. Everything is like cooking for an entire army and the women spend hours on end preparing everything. For every meal they have to pluck 30 chickens, peel 132lb of spuds and
boil up to 220lb of rice.
Ziona’s eldest wife Zathiangi, 69, delegates all the daily duties around the house to his other wives, their daughters, and the daughters-in-law.
Ziona married Zathiangi when he was just 17 and she still thinks she is the favorite. Ziona is part of the Chana sect, the hereditary leader in fact, and this sect thinks they will one day
rule the world with Christ.
Ziona believed when he was still little that he would never marry: “My
father had seven wives and looking after them was a difficult task. When I saw him surrounded by women all the time it put me off. But my wish
was not God’s wish.”

At this moment he has to take care of all his 39 wives. He is the person that has his very own bedroom while most of the others share in large numbers. He summons his wives to the bedroom in turn, while the other 99 rooms are shared among all the other family members.
During the day he likes to have seven or eight wives with him all the time to
wait on him hand and foot.
Play the video below to see how their house looks!
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