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Facts You Didn’t Knew About Bill Gates

Bill Gates is surely one of the richest men in the world. He started the Microsoft company and became the single richest man alive before straying far from the greed part of his life and all his life seems to be surrounded only by charity today.

But here we are going to talk more about some of the facts you didn’t know about this amazing personality.

He Memorized A 2000-Word Passage From The Book Of Matthew


Facts You Didn't Knew About Bill Gates

Another example of his great intellect comes from the anecdote about his church confirmation class. Aged 11, he was challenged by the Reverend Dale Turner to memorize chapters 5 to 7 of the Book of Matthew, also known as the Sermon on the Mount. The whole class was tested with the prize being dinner on top of the Space Needle. Turner was stunned when it came time to perform, and Gates was able to recite the entire 2000-word text without any errors. 31 classmates ate at the Space Needle that year, but Gates was the only one to be able to do it flawlessly. He was definitely very interested in books, as he also spent his teenage years with his nose deep in a particular series. He read the entire ‘World Book Encyclopedia’, from the start all the way to the finish. He apparently still reads 50 books a year, though his biggest regret in life is that he does not yet know any foreign languages.

He Got A Near-Perfect Score On His SATs… 1590 Out Of 1600

Facts You Didn't Knew About Bill Gates

You can probably guess from what we have discussed so far that Bill Gates was a very intelligent boy. By the time it came to take his college SATs, this was proven beyond a doubt. His score was a very impressive 1590 out of 1600. He gained this score in 1973 at Lakeside School, and it was obviously an achievement which he was very proud of. For the next few years, he wore it as a badge of honor. Whenever he met someone new, he would introduce himself to them by mentioning the score. Although it is easy to understand why he was proud, it does sound a little egotistical to go around boasting about it all of the time. Though people were impressed, more than a few of them also probably found him to be a bit of a bore! Still, it does bear out the idea that it was his brilliant mind that shot him to success.

He Is Not A ‘Rags To Riches’ Story

Facts You Didn't Knew About Bill Gates


We’re so used to the tale of the kid rising from rags into riches that it almost seems shocking to realize that Bill Gates grew up in a wealthy household. Of course, the wealth that he experienced as a child was nothing compared to what he would later make, but his family was still very well-off. They were described as upper-middle-class. His father, William H. Gates Sr., was a prominent lawyer, which made them plenty of money. He was encouraged to have a competitive spirit in the family environment, along with his sisters, Libby and Kristianne. He was taught that there was always a reward for winning and a penalty for losing. This must have been the basis for his competitive spirit later in life, as well as his desire to strive. What about his sisters now? Kristi actually went on to become Bill’s tax accountant, which is a neat way to keep business in the family. Libby, meanwhile, focused on raising her children, as well as being involved in philanthropy and education.

He Was Arrested… And Actually Had The $1000 Bail Money In His Wallet

Facts You Didn't Knew About Bill Gates

He had already had one brush with the law when he was caught exploiting a software bug, but he went on to have another brush with the law later in life. Though he was no longer a child at 21, this is so shocking that we just had to include it. Could you believe that one of the richest and most powerful men in the world was once arrested? Not only that, but he looks pretty cheery in his mugshots, which he has been happy to share even in some Microsoft adverts. It was a traffic violation which got him into trouble. It turns out that he was speeding, and he was doing it without a license, too. This was the first of three arrests, and the funny part of the story is that he was already doing very well with Microsoft by this point. Not only was he able to post his $1000 bail, but he actually had the cash in his wallet!





George Smith
