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He’s Been Waiting in a Cage for Way Too Long

A dog’s purpose in this world is to love its owner, be loyal and make him smile.

That’s all every dog wants to do.

That’s all it wishes for.


Tully dog has been waiting behind steel bars for too long.

According to, oh my gosh you guys, I’m not at all superstitious, and I don’t believe in good luck charms, but reading about his adorable canine I’ve changed my mind! This pit bull is absolutely gorgeous, and at 77-pounds he’s just the right size for either an apartment or home, and is just a loving little puppy who just can’t seem to catch a break!

Consider this – his journey through the kennel system started when he was saved from the streets of Rhode Island, and abandoned stray. But Tully couldn’t stand being behind bars (who can?!) and his whining and barking were far too much for the workers there.

It was just about enough that they were going to out him down, but then Elyse Giurco, founder of Road to Home Rescue Support, heard about him and took him home. He did FANTASTIC! He’s absolutely a sweetie, but he can’t stand being in a kennel!


For the next year and a half, he went to board at different homes, where everyone who met him just fell in love with him, exclaiming about how gentle he was, how loyal, and how well behaved. The thing is, at each of these homes something always got in the way: either they had other dogs and couldn’t keep him, they got sick, or any other myriad of reasons.

Poor Tully, it’s at the point that Giurco has had to start calling friends to keep him for at least a few days at a time – it seems that everyone who has wanted to adopt him keep backing out at the last moment or live too far away. This poor puppy seems to know he’s about to be kennel bound again, and his nervousness is starting to act up again.

Joanna Grey
