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Dog Encounters Porcupine

This poor dog had an unfortunate encounter with a porcupine and the outcome was as bad as you’d expect.

The incident resulted in multiple serious injuries and a massive hospital bill for the owner.

But the internet has responded to the sight of the wounded dog with over $10,000 in donations.


According to, this is a very sickening story of a poor dog who almost got killed by a porcupine in Craven, Saskatchewan.

The dog who was severely injured, Mahalo and his two best buddies Nestah and Soljah were playing outside when they encountered a very angry porcupine. The porcupine didn’t hesitate even for a second and punctured all the three dogs, but it was Mahalo who bore the extreme brunt of it all.

Mahalo requires extreme surgery to remove the quills which has even pierced her hear and lungs. With vet bills amounting to $8,000 and going up, Mahalo’s people have set up a GoFundme page with the help of Mike Gerrand. Nestah, who also requires surgery, is fortunately recovering form the quill shots.

According to Live Science, all porcupines have a few traits in common. The most obvious trait is the long, sharp quills that cover their bodies. Some quills can get up to a foot (30 centimeters) long, like those on the Africa’s crested porcupine.


Porcupines use the quills as a defense. They make shake them, which makes them rattle, as a warning to potential predators. If that doesn’t work, they may charge backwards into the predator.

The quills are loosely attached but cannot be thrown or projected. Some quills have scales or barbs that make them very hard to remove. Once a quill is lost, it isn’t lost forever. They grow back over time. A North American porcupine can have 30,000 or more quills.

Joanna Grey
