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Tiny Guy Teaches Giant Russian a Lesson

Everybody gets annoyed in traffic.

The truth is there are a lot of inexperienced and bad drivers on the road, but that’s not a reason to be violent.

It might end badly for you.


A giant Russian man decided to pick on a tiny guy and ended up regretting it.

According to, if you could have your one deciding fight against your most disliked adversary anywhere in the world, where would it be?

Would you hold it on the shores of the most epic sunset ever, or in the middle of congested traffic on a Russian highway?

Apparently these guys picked the latter, and it took them a matter of minutes to become mortal enemies.

Basically, the whole incident started because the smaller guy legitimately just can’t drive properly – he attempts to force his way into the next lane and almost causes an accident with the big guy.


After he does manage to force his way in and traffic pulls to a halt, the two exit their vehicles and the fight begins!

I honestly can’t tell whether they mutually agreed to end the fight, if the little guy rocked the big dude, or if the little guy finally understood the point, but luckily this ended before either of them were run over…

According to Wikipedia, organized traffic generally has well-established priorities, lanes, right-of-way, and traffic control at intersections.

Traffic is formally organized in many jurisdictions, with marked lanes, junctions, intersections, interchanges, traffic signals, or signs.

Some jurisdictions may have very detailed and complex rules of the road while others rely more on drivers’ common sense and willingness to cooperate.

Joanna Grey
