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Puppies Found in Trash Bag on the Road

Someone who puts puppies in a trash bag and just abandons them on the road can’t be called anything but a monster!

When will we understand that animals are not ours to play with and torture?!

They are not here for our entertainment and they are not ours to abandon!


According to, a sealed garbage bag full of puppies was left on the side of the road in Jones County, MS. A couple driving on Orange Drive saw the bag and noticed that it was moving, at first they thought the wind was blowing the bag. They pulled over and made a startling discovery, inside the bag, they found seven puppies, four of them had already died.

The Southern Cross Animal Rescue (SCAR), located in Laurel, took the puppies to the veterinarian for emergency care. One more of the puppies eventually died.

Amanda Pepper, the shelter manager, said the two surviving puppies are in foster care and are recovering.

Pepper told the local news that it was horrible to find that people in their community were capable of doing such a heartless and cruel act. She added that anyone who has an unwanted animal could reach out for help.


No information was released about the condition of the puppies, but it is reported that they will need weeks to recover from this incident.

The doctors say the puppies had been confined for too long and had been without food or water. Authorities are hoping someone recognizes the puppies and the person responsible can be found.

Anyone with information is urged to call the Jone’s County Sheriff’s Office. Not being an expert on dogs, it looks like these puppies are several weeks old.

There is no reason why these puppies were treated this way; they deserved a chance at life in a good home. Hopefully, the person(s) responsible are found.

Joanna Grey
