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Most Insane Ski Line There Is

This is the place to ski for all the adrenaline junkies out there!

Skiing is fantastic!

It’s outdoor, it works up your whole body and, most importantly, it’s fun!


Nothing can compare to what you feel when you’re out there – just you, the cold and the incredible amounts of snow!

Cody Townsend has taken it to the next level and has skied the line of the year!

Here is a short interview with the man of the hour, provided by

Where is this line?

This took place in a zone in, let’s say, southwestern Alaska just because we don’t need to direct people straight to it. We found it by flying around in a helicopter. It was my third time in that zone and we were dealing with some troubling conditions. The snow wasn’t good for jumping big cliffs so we started looking for tight couloirs.

You said you saw a lot of couloirs, but this one took the cake?


There’s a bunch out in this zone and that one was like nothing I’ve ever seen. It didn’t even seem doable when I spotted it from the helicopter. It had a full tube to it. You don’t really see a chute go through the mountain very often.

How steep would you say it was?

The very top of it was probably 60 degrees. For the first 40 feet, it was almost vertical. Then it mellowed out to 40 or 45. I can’t say exactly. It’s hard to break out a protractor when you’re going 60 miles an hour, but it was steep.

60 mph? Was that how fast you were going?

I was getting up to 65, 70 miles per hour. I’ve been clocked at downhill races at 90-plus and this was the fastest I’ve gone since I was a downhill racer.

In the video we can see you doing some “turns.” Did you need to check your speed?

There was one big turn at the top to get it back under control, otherwise I was going to go mackalooney! After that, it was just to keep some semblance of control. If I had kept going straight I never would have made that turn at the bottom. I would’ve Wile-E.-Coyote-d myself right into that wall at the end. I was just trying to keep it under control and not let the snow get the best of me.

How narrow was it at the bottom?

I’d say six feet. You might have been able to touch the walls if you’d held your arms out. All I can say is it felt really narrow while going that fast.

What skis did you use and why did you select them?

There was a lot of thought that went into that. I had two pairs to choose from and I went with Salomon Rocker 2 122s. What’s good about them is they’re really maneuverable.

I can get them up on edge and flat out the tail really quickly, whereas if I was on a skinnier and more traditional ski it would lock into railroad tracks and you’d be trying to carve GS turns through that, which would not have been possible.

Joanna Grey
