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VIDEO: The Body of a Mermaid Was Discovered. Is This Real?

Do you think that mermaids are real? Would you want them to be? If so then you are not the only one because people have been obsessed with this mythological creature for years.

No matter what version we are talking about, the cute Ariel, Disney inspired mermaid or the ones from old stories in which they would lure sailors to their deaths, mermaids have always been really interesting.

We’re not sure if people keep spotting mermaids because they really exist or because they just want them desperately to be real.


Still, there have been numerous sightings of mermaids, of which some are definitely fake and have a much simpler explanation, while others really get us thinking and actually might convince us of the existence of these impressive creatures.

According to, for centuries, mermaids have captured the imagination of both sailors and landlubbers, fascinated by the idea of hidden fish people beneath the waves.

Yet the exact nature of these underwater humans has varied pretty wildly over the years.

Even though the fantastical beings are clearly fiction, there are still places all over the world where you can visit actual mermaids in some form or another whether they are Barnumesque hokum, frolicking manatees that inspired the myth in the first place, and even some South Korean fisherwomen that have come to be known as mermaids. All across the world, mermaids are real!

If the legends surrounding this hideous little goblin found in Japan’s Tenshou-Kyousha Shrine are to be believed, it may be the oldest mermaid on this list.

As the story goes, this creature is 1,400-years-old and once appeared to a local prince claiming to have once been a regular fisherman who was cursed after fishing in protected waters.

The mermaid is said to have asked the prince to build the shrine as a reminder of his mistake, displaying the cursed corpse for all to see. However this is more likely a taxidermy abomination.


Possibly one of the least expected places to see so-called mermaids is in the waste water pools of this Florida power plant.

It is widely believed that the myth of the mermaid is primarily inspired by manatee sightings as the bulbous, fleshy sea-cows gracefully floated beneath the waves.

A large group of the animals continues to do so today outside of this Florida power plant as the heated waste water from the facility drains out and creates a comfortable environment for the creatures, which from such a close vantage point, are definitely some unattractive mermaids.

If mermaids really would exist why do you think they are hiding from us and are they evil or kind?

Do you think we could get along with them and be able to learn from each other and help each other?

This discussion might lead to things like how people see aliens and feel about getting into contact with them and trying to communicate or try and attack and fight them.

