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VIDEO: Baby Boy Tries a Lemon for the First Time and Has Priceless Reaction

This baby boy is incredibly adorable and unlike most other kids we’ve seen eating lemons, his reaction is completely different.

All the children below have been through excruciating pain when trying lemon, but this one doesn’t know how to react.

He thinks it’s weird but at the same time he kind of enjoys what’s going on in his mouth and he thinks it’s quite tasty despite being unlike anything else he’s tasted before.


According to, it is super exciting when baby is showing signs of readiness to eat solids.

We get our cameras out and collect endless amounts of video as they sample each new food.

It can actually get pretty addictive watching them “taste test” different things and seeing their precious little reactions ranging from pure pleasure to absolute disgust!

We love to see our babies reacting to the new foods they experience. We love it even more when they enjoy what they’re eating.

But, we’d be lying as parents if the lemon test didn’t cross our minds at least once, we want to see hilarious reactions they have and catch it all on film to show our family and friends, and even our kids once they get older.

After keeping mom and dad up for months, crying, and pooping everywhere, don’t we at least deserve a little entertainment? I mean if we don’t laugh, we’ll cry right?

The lemon test is a sure way to put a smile on anyone’s face, the kids are so adorable as they timidly snack on the sour yellow fruit, surprisingly enough, some aren’t turned off by the flavour, and some although they hate their first bite, go back for more!


It’s a fun experiment that will give mom and dad the giggles and if the photos turn out pretty good, they have themselves the makings of a hilarious photo mug that will brighten all of their mornings!

You can see the moment that the sour taste registers in Gavin’s mouth, he’s drooling trying not to swallow the sour lemon juice and his face is just too priceless, something between a silent scream and a need to barf!

When his parents ask if he wants to try some more, he hilariously shakes his entire body! That’s a definite no from this little guy, he’s not willing to attempt that again!

After a few more gags and repulsed looks in his parent’s general direction, Gavin has already forgotten about the yucky taste of the lemon and moves on with his day.

Oh my goodness! This baby is a brave one! He tries the lemon, not once, not twice, but three separate times!

Either he forgets how the first time went or he is slowly starting to acquire a taste for the little yellow fruit. Hey some kids like sour, perhaps he’ll be addicted to sour candy like I am!

His first attempt doesn’t go so well, he squeezes his eyes shut almost trying to forget the horrible taste in his mouth, shaking his body as to say, “Nope! This is not for me!”

As he continues to roll the flavours around in his mouth he starts to giggle, it is a funny flavour after all!

After a brief giggle sesh he shakes his head rapidly, telling mom that that wasn’t too tasty.

