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VIDEO: She Wasn’t Paying Attention and Her Kids Fell out of the Car

This incident happened in Russia.

One mother was driving along with her children in the trunk of her car, which is where she first went wrong.

At one point, the trunk flew open and two children fell out in the street.


The craziest part is that the woman didn’t even notice!

This may sound harsh, but some people should never be parents!

According to Wikipedia, child neglect is a form of child abuse, and is a deficit in meeting a child’s basic needs, including the failure to provide adequate health care, supervision, clothing, nutrition, housing as well as their physical, emotional, social, educational and safety needs.

Society generally believes there are necessary behaviors a caregiver must provide in order for a child to develop physically, socially, and emotionally. Causes of neglect may result from several parenting problems including mental disorders, substance abuse, domestic violence, unemployment, unplanned pregnancy, single parenting, and poverty.

Child neglect depends on how a child and society perceives the parents’ behavior; it is not how parents believe they are behaving towards their child. Parental failure to provide for a child, when options are available, is different from failure to provide when options are not available.

Poverty and lack of resources are often contributing factors and can prevent parents from meeting their children’s needs, when they otherwise would. The circumstances and intentionality must be examined before defining behavior as neglectful.

Child neglect is the most frequent form of child abuse, with children born to young mothers at a substantial risk for neglect. In 2008, the U.S. state and local Child Protective Services received 3.3 million reports of children being abused or neglected.


Seventy-one percent of the children were classified as victims of child neglect. Maltreated children were about five times more likely to have a first emergency department presentation for suicide related behavior, compared to their peers, in both boys and girls.

Children permanently removed from their parental home because of substantiated child abuse, are also at an increased risk of a first presentation to the emergency department for suicide related behavior. Neglected children are at risk of developing lifelong social, emotional and health problems, particularly if neglected before the age of two years.

Children may be left at home alone, which can result in negative consequences. Being left at home alone can leave young people feeling scared, vulnerable and not knowing when their parents are going to return. The frequency and duration of being left at home alone may range from every evening, to several days or even weeks at a time.

Also, young children may not be provided with a suitable amount of decent food to eat, which is another form of neglect. Children have reported being provided with moldy food, or not having any food in the house, or they were given an insufficient amount of food.

The causes of child neglect are complex and can be attributed to three different levels: an intrapersonal, an inter-personal/family, and a social/economic level.

Although the causes of neglect are varied, studies suggest that, amongst other things, parental mental health problems, substance use,domestic violence, unemployment, and poverty are factors which increase the likelihood of neglect.

Joanna Grey
