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VIDEO: How Did He Get His Driver’s License? This Is the Biggest Parking Fail

It’s not easy to get your driver’s license. At first you have to really read every single thing about how a car works, how to driver it, how to fix it and what the rules of circulation are.

There are plenty of things you need to know before you even get behind the wheel.

Assuming that you have read, understood and remembered all of these things it’s then time to actually try driving with an instructor and learn what you need to do.


After you have been practicing for a while and your instructor thinks that you are ready then it will be time to pass the test.

You will have to pass it in a written test first and then you will have to go and actually drive while someone is judging your every single move. If you pass both tests you will then receive your license.

So, theoretically, it should be easy to assume that everyone that has a driver’s license knows how to drive and how to park and all the basic things that you have to know to be able to get the license.

No one expects you to be incredible and drive like the guys in Need for Speed or Fast and Furious, but they expect you to be decent.

Well, this isn’t always the case. Actually, there are a lot of people that aren’t capable of the simplest of things.

According to, it shouldn’t be all that hard to park since you already have a driver’s license.

But how difficult can it be to reverse out of a parking bay? Apparently very.


Watch this excruciating (and hilarious) 20-plus point turn and exit. This should have been more simple, right?!

When a colleague here at work suggested I look at this video, my immediate thought was “how different can it be to the bad drivers we see every day?!”. Oh I was wrong.

It’s so different, to the point of almost being unbelievable! I watched for two minutes, then heard an email arrive in my mailbox, went to check that quickly and came back to watching the video… where this person was STILL trying to get out of the parking lot. Painful to watch.

I have to admit that I failed my driver’s the first time, when I hit a pole on my way out of a parallel parking space. Unfortunately, there were also cameras to document that fine moment…

I even know some people who don’t do parallel parking, full stop.

Do you park terribly, or do you know someone who does?

There are a lot of prejudices involving driving and people usually assume that if the driver is bad then he has to be a woman, but this isn’t a sure thing and men can actually be worse drivers than women because they are more careless.

In this case we don’t know whether the driver was a woman or a man and it doesn’t even matter, what matters is that this person shouldn’t have gotten their driver’s license.

