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VIDEO: When Brother and Sister Do This on Stage All the Judges Lose It!

Britain’s Got Talent is one of the most famous talent shows in the world and everyone would love a chance to showcase their talent there.

While there are some that do not belong in this competition, every once in a while we see some really talented people that manage to impress us and do things that we didn’t even think were possible.

According to, a stage is a different ball game all together.


No matter what your relationship with each other is, on stage, you are just a performer. When you’ll see these brother sister performing on stage, you’ll be blown away.

You surely going to love this one. This is a story of siblings doing everything correct on stage.

No matter what is your relationship with each other in real life, on stage, you are a different individual all together. You are merely a performer on stage. All your relationships go for a toss up on stage.

When two people approach the stage and introduce themselves as brother and sister you definitely do not expect them to be intimate.

This sibling duo? They do not quite fit the norm. Roller skate masters Billy and Emily whirl around the stage like no other.

I was seriously afraid for that girls life, and her head! Wow, what practice that must require!

Their relationship aside, the act that they perform is amazing. Just imagine the amount of training and practice this brother sister duo would’ve had to undergo to perfect this. Simply Amazing.


Another thing that one notices is the reaction of the judges. The reaction is simply amazing. They actually lose it all.

Look at their faces. The picture says it all. Everyone is just enjoying themselves. You know what else is worth enjoyment? The video.

According to, it’s not rare for a talent show clip to give me serious anxiety, but that’s usually just because I get second-hand embarrassment when they’re really, really bad.

This next audition, on the other hand, had my heart pounding for another reason — and when you see it, I bet you’ll feel the same.

Talent shows like Britain’s Got Talent are a great showcase for unconventional and unusual acts like Prince Poppycock to get a shot at fame that would be really, really difficult to pull off on their own.

We’ve seen just about everything on talent shows and some have even featured death-defying stunts like this incredibly brave man in a wheelchair, but what happens in this next video is truly a first for me…and the judges seem to feel the same way.

You don’t see many rollerskating acts these days, but sibling act Billy and Emily might just be bringing this trend back in a crazy way.

For their Britain’s Got Talent audition, the brother and sister duo made the judges scream and the audience roar with a shocking routine that made the show’s producers flash a “Do Not Try This At Home” message across the screen.

Since they got a standing ovation and four yeses from the judges, I think its safe to say that it’s not the last we’ve seen from these two…

