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VIDEO: These People Got Revenge on Their Cheating Exes in Hilarious Ways

No matter how little you care about the person you are currently dating you will always feel bad if you find out that that person has been cheating on you.

If you actually love your significant other then the pain could be unbearable.

Still, a lot of people don’t just get really sad when they find out they have been cheated on, a lot of them decide to take revenge on their partner to prove a point.


According to, revenge, by definition, is inflicting hurt or harm on someone because you believe they did you wrong.

In the words of Frank Sinatra “The best revenge is massive success”, although many people have decided to go against this advice and wreak havoc on those who have wronged them.

Research has found that this actually ends with us feeling much worse.

In 2009, Tracy Hood Davis found out about her husband’s infidelities and managed to persuade his three mistresses to act out a sinister revenge attack.

Mrs Davis conspired with Therese Ziemann, Michelle Belliveau and Wendy Sewell (all three were having a romantic affair with her husband) to lure him to a motel in Wisconsin on the promise there would be some action.

Well, there certainly was action but not quite what he would have been expecting.

When he arrived at the hotel, he was blindfolded, stripped down naked, pinned to the bed and then his wife appeared from the bathroom and superglued his manhood to his own leg.


All of the women were arrested and charged with false imprisonment and his wife was charged with assault.

Who would have known that a “Revenge Yard Sale” is actually a thing – well it was certainly a thing when this woman found out her husband was away with his mistress.

As her husband was wrapped up in the arms of another woman, she advertised on the Canadian pages of classifieds site Craigslist, “Husband left us for a piece of trash.

Selling everything and moving house after 10 years of marriage.” She added, “I want the house empty on Monday when he returns because that will be a shock for him to see.”

She claimed she was selling tools her husband ‘didn’t have a clue how to use’, along with a ping pong table, foosball table, furniture, art, garden pots, sports gear and electrical appliances.

Even the house was up for sale as she said potential buyers could take a look around the home that boasted an ocean view. This is one woman who is really ready to move on.

Rossie Brovent, from Dayton, Ohio, received $100,000 in damages after she cheated on her ex-boyfriend, tattoo artist Ryan Fitzjerald, and he tricked her into getting some horrendous body art.

The giant pile of something unpleasant was etched onto her skin as Fitzjerald decided that he wanted revenge on his ex – the actual tattoo she had asked for was a scene from Narnia.

Metro online reported that she was tricked into getting the tattoo as he made her drink “a bottle of cheap wine and tequila” before she signed the consent form.

She also alleged, “Actually I was passed out for most of the time, and woke up to this horrible image on my back.” We’re going to file this under things that should never have happened.

