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VIDEO: These Are the Most Unusual Houses Ever Built. Would You Live Here?

Most people would give anything to be able to get their own house and decorate it just as they please.

Some take it further and want the house itself to be extra special and unlike any other you have ever seen before. In this video you get to see the most interesting houses ever.

According to, moving into and setting up your new home is definitely one of the most exciting things – especially for those who never find enough outlets for their ideas and designs.


Throughout history, people have gone from caves to huts to castles to blocks of flats – and nowadays, seems like you can find an example of just anything.

Some people are forced to get creative because of some physical restrictions – like small or unusual space – while others do so just because.

If you feel like you could use some inspiration to design your future home – or just like checking out the weird ideas some people have – this post is just for you!

Would you choose to live in a former church, or a renovated water tower? Or how about a completely transparent house, or one that is a spitting image of the Flintstones’ cave?

Transparent House, Japan – Inspired by our ancient predecessors, who inhabited trees, this completely transparent “House NA” in Japan offers you a lot of day light, but not much privacy.

Skateboard House, USA – The Skateboard House allows you to skate on all the surfaces, both in and outdoors, and was planned to be built in Malibu.

World’s Slimmest House, Poland – The Keret House, inserted between two existing buildings, measures only from 92 to 152 centimeters in width!


Old Water Tower Turned Into Modern Home, Belgium – A 100-feet high water tower in Belgium used to serve as a Nazi hideout during the war, but was later transformed into a living space.

Dick Clark’s Flintstones Inspired Home, USA – This single storey house in Malibu was inspired by the Flintstones family from the classic 60’s cartoon. Television legend Dick Clark have listed it for $3.5 million.

World’s Smallest 1sq Meter House, Germany – This portable DIY wooden structure measures only 1 square meter and is the world’s smallest house, moving around Germany.

Slide House, Japan – This three-story Slide house in Japan has a regular staircase on one side of the house, and a slide on the other, which allows you to slide all the down to the first floor.

Stone House,Portugal – Although it looks like a massive rock, this house in Portugal actually has a door, a chimney and a window, and has become a huge tourist attraction.

Church Converted Into Modern Family Home, Holland – Zecc Architecten repurposed and converted two abandoned churches located in Utrecht, Netherlands into stylish family residences.

Giant Seashell House, Mexico – Inspired by the work of Gaudi and Frank Lloyd Wright, a young family with two kids in Mexico City had a seashell-shaped house built for them.

