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VIDEO: Huge Terrifying Wave Rises and Floods Beach of Puerto Rico

In this video you can see Playa Puerto Nuevo, a stunning beach from Vega Baja, Puerto Rico.

While at first you might not realize what’s so special about this beach as the video goes on you will notice that in the back it’s not just sea or ocean as far as you can see but some huge rocks that make the whole thing like a huge natural swimming pool.

The interesting thing is that if the sea becomes restless and the waves grow in size sometimes they go over the rocks and become a sort of waterfall.


When the huge waves hit the rocks and tumble down in the “swimming pool” you would expect people to run away screaming in panic and never return out of fear of drowning, but this doesn’t happen.

Not even those that are young will run away because it seems that this is normal and everyone that is there knows what is going to happen.

According to, vacation is one of the best season a family can have to get together, some go to different places and spend their whole time.

Some stick to the usual which is going some beaches and have some bonding moment together with the whole family.

But what if you are at the beach together with your family and then you witness this kind of event?

At first, it seems all calm and peaceful, but this beach has one amazing feature.

At the Playa Puerto Nuevo in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico, an enormous wave comes over the reef barrier every so often.


And those who witnessed this kind of even was really amazed. This is really unusual, compared to some beach destinations.

Watch this breathtaking event in the video below. For sure, what you will see in the video will drop your jaw because of amazement.

So now if you are planning for some beach trip and vacation, this beach in Puerto Rico is now one of your options.

According to, nature is awesome, especially when it shows you just how powerful it can be without actually hurting you.

That’s what happens at this enclosed beach in Vega Baja, Puerto Rico. Massive waves pound into the rocks, waves that anyone in their right mind would normally be staying well away from — but the rocks keep the beach-goers from being washed away, and turns the power of nature into something to be entertained by while enjoying a sunny day.

We agree with Matador Network’s Alex Scola: “I can’t decide which I was more impressed by: witnessing the massive wave that hits the reef islands at Playa Puerto Nuevo at 0:34, or the fact that not a single person at the whole beach seems to be remotely bothered by the event whatsoever.”

If you visited this beach, would you be watching every wave to make sure it doesn’t make it over the wall, or will you be chilling out feeling safe from the ocean?

