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VIDEO: These Are the Most Dangerous Cities that All Tourists Want to Visit

There are probably a lot of places in the world where you would want to go and see how the people live there, what they eat and where they live in.

You probably want to see all the exotic places you have heard of or seen on the internet, but are you sure that it’s the best idea.

A lot of the places you want to see can be incredibly dangerous, especially for tourists, and you could end up dying on your dream vacation.


According to, among the things most people wish they could do more is traveling. A break from one’s usual habitat and routine is sometimes all it takes to snap out of a funk.

Moving back to our original statement, while getting out of one’s usual routine and habitat may be an amazing rush, it can never be done without some consideration and can be dangerous, and in extreme cases; deadly.

We all hear the stories, people go away on vacation and end up getting robbed, beaten up or in extreme cases, killed.

In some cases it is sheer bad luck that causes their demise but other times, a lapse in judgement leads to tragedy. While some locales are forgiving, there are plenty that simply don’t leave any room for error.

Those are the ones we are speaking of here; the most dangerous destinations in the world.

Whether it is violence and crime relating to poverty, xenophobia, or even drug related conflict, there are some beautiful, interesting parts of the world that can be hazardous for travelers.

This is our list of the ten most dangerous tourist destinations in the world.


There has been some attention paid to make sure this list includes only those areas that actually attract tourists, rather than just dangerous areas.

While Baghdad, Mogadishu and Kabul are probably some of the most dangerous places on Earth, you don’t see Hawaiian shirt wearing, camera-toting, rest-and-relaxation-seekers lined up to visit these places.

These are the dream vacation destinations most likely to leave you hurt, broke or dead.

We start our list off with the South American country known for one of the most beautiful attractions in the world; Machu Picchu.

Peru’s most popular tourist attraction is also one of the only parts of the country that is actually safe.

Machu Micchu is secured, for the most part, but only because of the massive money it brings in year after year.

With regard to the rest of the country, especially travel routes and rural areas, there are both terrorist groups and drug trafficking cartels that threaten tourist safety.

Thailand itself is somewhat of a volatile place these days, given the ongoing political situation that has been rocking the country for the past year.

With that said however, political and social strife aside, Bangkok can either be an amazing party or a complete nightmare.

Organized crime is rampant throughout the city and plenty of criminals, both of the organised and petty variety, target tourists.

While it may not be the place that will get a traveler killed, rest assured that it is one of those places where it can take just five minutes for a tourist to go from an enthusiastic visitor to a confused, terrified, penniless victim, frantically searching for his or her wallet and passport.

