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VIDEO: People Caught Being Super Jealous. It’s Hilarious!

Sometimes, even if we don’t want to, we feel inadequate for some reason or think that someone is better than us because they look a certain way or have certain things that we do not have.

Maybe they are getting more attention from someone you care about or are stealing the spotlight away from you.

According to, jealousy is not a good thing and it is what destroys the relationships of many people.


However, there are some things in life that make us feel jealous as some people are just better than us.

We need to learn to accept the fact that we are not the best in what we do or have the best looks. We need to be content with what we have since that is God’s gift to us.

But some people can’t just help but be jealous when they are with someone that has something better.

What’s awful in that situation is when someone takes a photo of you when you felt the green eyed monster come out.  Of course, that would be the funniest thing that most people would love to see.

Here are 10 people caught in the act looking jealous at someone.

Even those people from back then know how to be jealous as it has existed for centuries.

This photo can be seen floating around the internet. On the left is Sophia Loren while the other one is Jayne Mansfield.


The girl on the right wants to join in the fun, but since she is fat, she can’t join as she don’t want to ruin the photo shoot.

The women were all jealous of the girl that walks by simply because she has big breasts.

There is something about a guy that loves dog.  This picture shows a guy being jealous at the other guy that is popular among the girls because he carries a dog.

The girl behind the girl with the pink hat looks at the girl with jealousy.  She is both jealous and in AWE.

Getting a ring from the man you love is something that you should be proud of.

In this photo, the girl above looks jealous because the other girl is showing off her ring which she got from her boyfriend.

Whenever we see some food that looks delicious, we want to eat it, but what if someone else is already eating it?  This girl looks helplessly as the guy eats his food.

At some point in our lives, we all experienced being a third-wheel, which means that someone else got the girl or the boy that we love.

The guy on the left is not holding back his jealousy as he watches the couple kiss one another.

The boy on the right loves the ice cream but he had to settle with an ice drop.

When you lose to someone, you felt like the world crashes down on you.  In this photo, the guy looks jealously as the other guy won the championship.

