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VIDEO: These Are the Best Jobs in the World! They’re Fun and Pay a Lot of Money

While most of us drag ourselves to work every day and live for the weekend to come along there are some people that really love their job and are excited to go to work every single day.

These jobs are dreams jobs that everyone would love to have. Who wouldn’t love to cuddle and play with pandas or taste different kinds of ice cream? Or maybe just nap for hours on end and check out beds?

There are a lot of amazing jobs that you didn’t know existed and some of them even pay a whole lot of money!


This means that you can have a lot of fun and also make big money. Who would want more than this?

According to, if you spend 40 hours a week in a cubicle, completing mindless tasks assigned to you by five different bosses, chances are you’ve found yourself lost in a daydream in which you had a more exciting and well-paying career.

While the jobs on this list aren’t without their drawbacks, they definitely will appeal to those who have found themselves wasting their lives in the seemingly meaningless rat race of modern society.

But, before you stand up from your desk and tell your boss you’re quitting to become a world-famous ice cream taster, sit back down and realize the reason these jobs are so lucrative is because not everyone is cut out for them.

But that doesn’t mean you can’t aim high, right?

Pro Video Gamer – Every seven-year-old boy’s dream is to get paid to play video games for a living. What used to be a silly and naive entry in a first grader’s journal is now more realistic than ever.

But being good enough at playing video games to make a living from it isn’t as easy as you might think.


Sure, you might have been the best Mortal Kombat player in your neighborhood growing up, but to win international competitions you have to be the best in the entire world.

Sure, anyone can start up a YouTube or Twitch account and stream their gameplay, but only those with the perfect combination of skills, entertainment value, and marketing savvy will end up making millions. Maybe it’s best that gaming strictly remains a hobby.

Instagram Model – It’s never been easier for prospective models to put their name and face out there for others to notice — but this is a double-edged sword.

Because it’s so easy for hopeful models to put themselves out there, it’s much more difficult to stand out in the crowd. However, for those that do make it, they make it big.

Some of the most popular Instagram models get paid thousands for taking a picture of themselves in a natural setting wearing a designer’s t-shirt and jeans.

Not only do they get paid well, but since the pictures are potentially seen by millions, the models often are able to draw more traffic to their blog or other product, allowing them to start their own business in turn. Not a bad way to get a following!

