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VIDEO: 11-Year-Old Boy Pays Touching Tribute to Veterans and Doesn’t Move for an Hour

According to, in June 2014, an 11-year-old boy visited Normandy, France for the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion.

As part of the boy’s personal project, titled “Project Vigil,” this little boy spent four days teaching visitors and tourists about three paratroopers who had been buried in the American Cemetery.

During the official D-Day celebration, local police didn’t allow the boy to enter the cemetery in his WWII-style uniform.


So the boy took his American flag down to Omaha Beach and planted it in the sand. Staring out at the ocean, the little boy wanted to thank all the Americans who died 70 years earlier in the fight against fascism and evil.

As the young boy struggled to hold the flag steady in the forceful wind, he suddenly witnessed a vision of American infantry soldiers heading bravely towards their fate on the morning of June 6, 1944.

Gazing across the English Channel, and so moved by this vision, he brought up his hand to salute the past.

Standing alone, holding the American flag, this little boy stood firm and held his salute for over an hour and a half.

While he continued this vigil, interested tourists, children, veterans, well-wishers and all sorts of people went down to see if the story was true, that on the 70th anniversary of the D-Day invasion, there stood a boy and an American flag.

People started to gather and one by one more and more people came to witness this incredible act of patriotism. The boy never broke his stance, not even once.

The news crews, NBC Nightly News even came to see the boy but he still didn’t move. Soldiers showed up to give their thanks, veterans even stopped to salute him and some kids that didn’t really understand wanted to taunt him, trying to break his focus…but it never broke. He remained still.


But at one point something truly powerful and touching happens. The people move out of the way and lone trumpeter comes to his side and starts to play.

Literal chills down everyone’s spine and a true feeling of patriotism and love for your country brushes over.

Please watch this heartfelt video of a proud American boy memorializing and honoring our fallen soldiers.

And wait for the mark to see who joined this little boy’s silent watch.

There is nothing so beautiful as a child understanding why we love and why we should love our country and the people that have helped us keep it.

We should always honor the ones that died in battle and those that returned, we should honor anyone that has done anything for us, especially those that have fought for us and risked their lives in the process.

And we should try and do something for them in return. Even a small, but beautiful gesture like this one could go a very long way and even the ones that have fought for us have died the ones that remain and their loved ones will appreciate the gesture.

