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VIDEO: He Woke Up and Saw His Girlfriend Covered in Period Blood. His Reaction is Amazing!

Sometimes pranks turn into some kind of social experiment. You want to prank people but at the same time you are curious about what reaction they will have.

So because of the controversy about women needing tampons to be free, women have decided to test the waters by doing all sorts of elaborate period pranks.

One of the actually went through faking a period explosion in the middle of the busy city.


The problem is that most people made fun of her instead of trying to help and just one woman wanted to help while all the others just walked away.

The woman from this video decided she would only prank her boyfriend as soon as he woke up from his nap.

According to, when on their period, women will experience various uncomfortable physical and emotional symptoms, such as cramps, headaches, backaches, increased moodiness, and bloating are associated with their menstrual cycle.

These symptoms may occur before, during, or after a given period.

Unfortunately for some women, their periods come irregularly: meaning they don’t know the exact day or date it will come, which can sometimes lead to menstrual accidents.

This man woke up only to find his girlfriend’s pants covered in blood. At first, he thought that his girlfriend had cut herself—but she says she was on her period and that she was in pain.

“I’m in pain,” she cries. The boyfriend initially stares in shock and then asks her: “Did you cut yourself? What is this, why is there blood all over the bed?”


But the girl continues to moan in pain as she lifts her hand which was also filled with blood. “Wait, relax, relax, I’m in pain right now,” she replied.

The boyfriend leans closer to her and repeats: “Why is there so much blood?”

The girl kept muttering: “I’m on my period.”

To her surprise, the man buys food for her and takes care of her. When he tries to help her stand up, she suddenly pushes him and reveals it was just a prank! Poor guy.

He didn’t stop to think about anything. As soon as he realized what was going on he went and got her a warm water bottle that she could keep on her stomach to help ease the pain.

He then went out and bought her junk food and anything she could want to eat.

He told her not to worry about the mess and that he would clean everything up, she just needed to relax and wait for the pain to pass.

He acted just like any perfect boyfriend should and proved that he loved her.

Not many men would react the same way, not just because a lot of them are afraid of blood and feel disgusted by it, but because they don’t understand just how horrible this could be for the women.

This exact thing was proven when a picture of a woman that had stained herself and the bed appeared online and people started commenting mean things.

