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A regular day in the busy life of Elon Musk: He skips breakfasts, eats too much at dinners, sends e-mails during family-time

Everyone knows by now that the Tesla and SpaceX founder Elon Musk is generally a very busy man. He spends a full workweek at each of his two companies, grabbing lunch in five minutes and avoiding phone calls in order to keep his rythm. Have a look at a regular day in the life of this genius.

Based on previous interviews, Business Insider pieced together an estimation of what an average day looks like for Elon Musk:

He wakes up at 7 a.m. With the help of music, after a sleep of only six hours.


Usually he skips breakfast, but sometimes he has patience for an omelette and a coffee.

The thing he always makes time for in the mornings is showering, his most important daily habit.

After this routine, he just launches into a heated and very organized schedule that breaks his time into a five-minute slots.

Without these slots, Musk wouldn’t manage to work 85 to 100 hours a week. He estimates that 80% of his time at work is spent on engineering and design.

That’s why he forgoes most phone calls and uses an obscure email address to prevent spamming.

But days aren’t the same for this guy. Mondays and Fridays he is at SpaceX in Los Angeles. On Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, he works at Tesla in the Bay Area.

According to Quartz calculation, Musk spends an average of 42 hours a week working at Tesla and 40 hours a week working at SpaceX.


Regarding the meals, apparently time is money: he doesn’t spend much time eating. His lunch is grabbed in five minutes during a meeting.

Dinner is his main meal, as business dinners are so frequent.  “Business dinners are probably where I eat way too much,” he told Auto Bild.

What are the tech mogul’s preferences on food? French food, barbecue, diet Coke and whiskey.

For Elon Musk, even weekends are splitted. Sundays are usually spent traveling or staying at his Bel Air mansion, and Saturdays are dedicated to working at SpaceX or spending time with his five young sons.

But even when he is with his children, he is on email: “What I find is I’m able to be with them and still be on email. I can be with them and still be working at the same time … If I didn’t, I wouldn’t be able to get my job done.”

To stay in shape, Musk usually goes to the gym once or twice a week. And he finds time to read. Among his favorite titles are “The Lord of the Rings,” biographies of innovators like Benjamin Franklin and Albert Einstein, and an obscure 87-year-old history book on adventurers called “Twelve Against the Gods.”

And his time for bed is usually 1 a.m., when he crashes after figuring out how to send humans on Mars.

Claire Reynolds
