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Opinion: Why we need a multi-tiered minimum wage


We need to stagger our minimum wage based on age and business size.

The minimum wage debate has taken a backseat to the scandals of the Trump presidency but it continues to remain one of the most pressing issues facing the American worker today. It is no secret that our wages have stagnated and the job market for the working class never recovered after the 2008 recession. Libertarians argue that the minimum wage should be abolished. Progressives are fighting for a living or $15 minimum wage, and liberals are arguing for a more modest $10-12 minimum wage. There are several arguments of what needs to be done but what everyone can agree upon is that something needs to change.

There are several nations that offer lower minimum wages for younger workers which incentivizes youth employment and takes out one of the key arguments against raising the minimum wage which is that underage workers do not need to be paid a living wage.


The second largest argument that you will hear against raising the minimum wage is that it will harm small businesses that cannot afford to pay their workers a much higher minimum wage. This is why here in the United States we should not only stagger minimum wage by the age of the worker but also by the size of the business. This allows small local businesses to compete on a more even playing field with the giant retailers and fast food companies who don’t pay their employees a fair share of the company’s profits.

Roger Monahan
