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Reports show that content marketers and creative writing degrees are on the uprise


It used to be that lawyers were the rage, exploding onto the scene and propelling the legal industry into new heights. Guess what: now WRITERS get their shot.

Not just any writers, of course. Not authors. But more of the content marketing writer variety. The sales writer. The copywriter. The one who develops the banners you see out there on the highway, or the “Just Do It” slogans on commercials and paid online skyscrapers. Those are the professionals getting more notice, more demand, and as a result –

They’re Getting Pricier -Even Bloggers Can Get Paid a Lot of Money!


There was once a day when a blogger was just writing as a hobby. Now a blogger can actually generate a full-time salary just writing schtick stuff online. It’s so easy now. But now businesses are seeing the writing on the wall for this untapped revenue resource and want in on the new gold, and the online advertising industry has been shifting:

If you want quality content, you’re going to have to pay for it. Plain and simple. Organic traffic simply isn’t enough anymore. Now you have to develop native ad campaigns and social media campaigns, shelling out a lot of coin just to get your readers and visitors to the website.

Might Seem Like a Financial Headache to Some, But Not If You’re Looking in the Right Place

It’s a paradigm shift, no doubt. Content marketing is still a new business model even if it has been operating successfully for at least a decade. The challenge is that oftentimes content marketing’s a slow burn, generating the revenue a business likes to see over time, and not something even closely related to direct sales.

So what do you do? Revisit your marketing budget, make some cuts, and devote a ton of money to the model? Maybe.

PDR Digital Content is all about streamlining and integrating the process of content marketing, offering more competitive cost for businesses, so if you’re in the market for copywriting, blog writing, and website development, this is an agency offering not only services, but tips, tricks, updates, news, and stories about the industry as a whole.

They’ve taken content marketing to a completely different level, and you have to see what they say about the challenge of content marketing and why outsourcing won’t work, and definitely doing it on your own won’t work either!



