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Are you taking care of yourself?


We are busy with loads of things that we miss out on taking care of ourselves. Life is too short and in the time that we live on this earth, we should make the best out of it.

The quality of the food and sleep are the key factors in determining your energy level. It does not matter when you sleep. The right duration of sleep is important. Likewise, what you eat is more important than how much.

Start eating protein rich foods like eggs, fish, meat and pulses. Apricot and pumpkin seeds are rich in iron. Reduce your carbohydrate intake.


Drink a lot of water. You get headaches and under eye shadows due to dehydration. Doctors advice us to drink 3 liters of water everyday. Tea, coffee and juices are also liquid forms and so can be included in the 3 liters count.

Studies have proved that a few nights of improper sleep can make you look less attractive to others. Because you will look unhealthy and less focused. Also, looking fat is definitely not healthy. Obese individuals are likely to get Heart diseases, strokes and heart failures. Avoid overeating.

Taking short breaks in between work increases your productivity at work and it is good for your body too.

Sometimes meeting people at work or at home,whose company we dread, is one of the reasons our body gets drained of all its energy. You can avoid meeting some of them but not all. In such cases, where you have to talk to a person you would rather not, here are a few tips to be followed.

  1. Take a deep breath and know that this is only temporary and once he/ she leaves, you will be ok.
  2. Think of some things to do that you love to after you meet them. This will make you feel better when they are with you.
  3. Do not entertain any negative talks from them.
  4. Try to smile and talk which unnerves them.

Thinking positive thoughts, avoiding the company of people who drain your energy and the right amount of food and sleep will help your mind to be relaxed.

Poorni Sampath
