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Health, technology and the beautiful body


It’s that time of year again when the diets happen, the yoga mat is raked out from the deep recesses of your closet and you try to find your abs. With new fitness technology devices available make sure you have a good internet connection if you want to be beach-body-ready.

Technology is about to take over our lives in yet another form. We’ve already seen apps that use GPS to record our running distance and speed that can be posted online. Now a new range of WiFi devices are going to be able to record our most intimate physiological indicators.

The new Nokia Withings range show us just one tech giant that is embracing the health and technology evolution. With scales that not only weigh us but tell us our BMI and we can track our progress by using the downloadable app, we will see a progress chart identifying if we’ve eaten too many pies or if we’ve cut down on carbs and stuck to crudités.


They also have a convenient arm cuff that measures our blood pressure and heart rate that is also app friendly. We’ll be able to tell if our heart rate and blood pressure increases throughout the day depending on what or who we encounter.

There is a whole range of inventions that are at the patent stage that are set to analyse our stool content and urine output. If you’ve got too much salt or ketones in your system; or if you’ve not been eating enough roughage, then we’ll get an update with our morning constitutional. I’m not sure if these posts will be suitable for Facebook or twitter, but who knows?

For those of you who’ve struggled with addictions, you can buy the Pavlock wristband that gives you a friendly electric shock whenever you reach for those ciggies or try to go on a shopaholic spending spree.

The world of technology will allow us to analyse our urine, poop and internal organ functions. We’ll also be able to inflict pain on ourselves in an effort to change those naughty habits. No longer will being beach-body-ready ever be as simple as donning your moth eaten tracksuit and heading to the gym.





