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Brain Fog: How to prevent it


Rest and proper nutrition helps the brain to function at optimal levels.

Brain Fog is described as a feeble feeling when one is not able to make decisions clearly and concisely. At times it seems as if the mind is trying to breakthrough a smokescreen. Ideas appear irretrievable and great effort is needed in order to focus  on accessing the information. During these moments harnessing thoughts may prove extremely difficult and draining.

Brain Fog may be summed up as the feeling one gets when trying to perform while dealing with a bout of illness.


Causes of Brain Fog:

(1). Lack of sleep

(2). Sign of menopause

(3). Hormonal issues

(4). Stress impairs mental clarity

(5). Dehydration

(6). Medications


(7). Substance abuse

(8). Hyperglycemia

(9). Fatigue

Brain Fog may be prevented by avoiding sugar, soda, candy, white bread, white pasta and white rice. Research has also proven that rooms which were induced with aromatherapy scents such as rosemary made office workers more alert and they performed their tasks more efficiently.

A healthy diet is crucial to keeping unclear thinking at bay. It is imperative to consume nutritious foods packed with vitamins, minerals and nutrients, refraining from skipping meals, eliminating foods that trigger allergies, and  taking supplements such as Vitamin D, Vitamin E and B12. The B12 vitamin improves circulation and memory recall.

Ten tips to keep the mind sharp:

(1). Consuming anti-oxidants (berries, and vegetables)

(2). Omega-3 Foods help to repair the brain. (Seafood, almonds and cashews)

(3). Chewing xylitol gum calms the nerves and gets creative juices flowing.

(4). Aerobic exercise increases blood flow to the brain, allowing for the transportation of nutrients and oxygen.

(5). Adequate sleep

(6). Foods containing quercetin protect against Alzheimer’s and Dementia (apples, plums and onions)

(7). The mental agility of shopping keeps the brain active. (Finding bargains, calculations and keeping within a budget)

(8). Being social increases cognitive functions. (Maintaining  friendships, working, and engaging in fun activities)

(9). Yoga, meditation and deep breathing exercises decrease stress and makes the mind sharp.

(10). Board games such as chess, scrabble and monopoly promote thinking capacity. Learning new languages also keeps the mind youthful.

The most efficient treatment for brain fog is getting the required amount of sleep each night. Sleeping at least 8 hours per night allows the brain to heal and rejuvenate thereby creating better mental states during the day. Restful sleep requires adhering to a regular sleep schedule. Wearing comfortable sleep wear as well as making sure room temperatures are comfortable, help in the pursuit of peaceful sleep.

However, there are some individuals who require a little more help when trying to prepare for serene rest. Here are a list of foods when consumed  two hours before bedtime that will guarantee refreshing and invigorating somnolence.

(1). Cherries

(2). Grapes

(3). Honey & Lime Juice

(4). Dates

(5). Yogurt

(6). Hot Cocoa

(7). Lemon Balm Tea

(8). Lavender Tea

Every human experiences brain fog at various intervals of their lives whether it is due to fatigue, stress, ill-health, aging or pregnancy the steps mentioned in this article are designed to prevent exacerbation of symptoms and to cease them from destroying the quality of our lives.

Margaret Bailey
