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Why biking to work is not only beneficial for the environment and yourself but also for the employer

There are numerous studies that show how biking to work is not only beneficial for the environment but also helps with our sedentary lifestyles, keeping us fit. But a new research says that biking is also useful in reducing stress levels and even increasing work performance. 

To lower your stress levels and boost your work performance, Concordia’s John Molson School of Business scientists say that you should take up cycling. According to their study, if you have to choose between biking, taking the car or the public transport to get to work, cycling is the way to go.

“Employees who cycled to work showed significantly lower levels of stress within the first 45 minutes of work than those who travelled by car,” researchers Stéphane Brutus says.


The scientists compared the three commute options of 123 employees at Autodesk, an information technology company in Old Montreal, using a web-based survey. Respondents replied to questions about their mood, perceived commuting stress and mode of travel. The survey differentiated between perceived stress and mood, a more transient state affected by personality traits and emotions.

The study only assessed answers from respondents who had completed the questionnaire within 45 minutes of arriving at work because these minutes are crucial, scientists say, for the way we feel for the rest of the day.

“Recent research has shown that early morning stress and mood are strong predictors of their effect later in the day,” Brutus explains. “They can shape how subsequent events are perceived, interpreted and acted upon for the rest of the day.”

The scientists looked at cycling since it was a relatively inexpensive means of transportation and it also helps reduce CO2 levels. Also, previous studies have indicated that biking could help with stress and mood.

The scientists hope that their findings will not only convince more people to bike to work but it could also be the basis for policy makers to offer more support to this alternative way of transport which not only helps employees and employers but also the environment and the already congested traffic in large cities.

Sylvia Jacob
