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VIDEO: Huge Bus and Massive Truck Meet on Narrow Mountain Road

This video shows the incredible talent that some drivers have. On a really narrow road in the mountains, in a curbe, two huge vehicles meet.

One of them is a big and heavy truck, while the other is a big bus. If they hesitated for just one second or where normal drivers it would have never been possible for both of them to pass through that area.

We had to watch the video over and over trying to understand how they were able to do that and maintain their composure.


According to, even though driving cross country may be an exhilarating experience, we often find drivers behind the wheel without the necessary experience and awareness of the unique challenges to the vehicle and driving techniques required.

Drivers need to be prepared for steep hills, windy roads, wildlife, and rocks in the roadway.

These challenges become even more difficult when driving on gravel roads and in adverse weather conditions.

Apart from obeying the Rules of the Road there are additional requirements to be prepared for the trip, knowing about priority rules, knowing how to control your vehicle on slopes and paying attention to speed adjustments when necessary.

In this section we would like to take a closer look at these unique challenges to driver, vehicle, driving ability and offer advice for safer driving.

Drivers should be prepared for the journey especially in remote areas where they may not be familiar with the roads.

The need for preparedness increases where there may be other challenges such as adverse weather  including snow, fog and mist and veld fires.


Some passes may be too narrow or steep and drivers may be advised not to take along a trailer or caravan. We recommend using a GPS device or tools such as Google Maps to find routes and traveling times.

If you plan to divert from the main roads always consider the following:
Check local weather and road conditions that may affect your drive.

Pay attention to road signage and warnings of possible road closures, rock falls, flooding etc.

Unpaved surfaces provide significantly less traction, so slow down and take curves on a wider arc than you might attempt on paved roads.

Inform others where you are going and when you expect to return.

When driving at higher elevations, insufficient hydration can lead to symptoms of altitude sickness, affecting alertness.

The higher the altitude, the less oxygen there is in the air. Some people may develop mild symptoms such as headache, nausea, and fatigue.

Remember, insufficient hydration can lead to the onset of symptoms of altitude sickness.

The following recommendations may assist those driving mountains and passes at high altitude:

Carry extra drinking water, and remember to drink fluids throughout the day.

Drink two to three times more fluids than usual—water and juices are best.

Eat frequent small meals.

Avoid driver fatigue by taking regular breaks.

Navigating mountain roads can be more tiring than flatland driving.

Consider limiting travel on challenging roads.

Avoid alcohol – Both as drivers and passengers.

Decrease salt intake.

