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The necessity of an increased minimum wage


Americans are working more and more, and receiving less and less pay to make ends meets. It’s time to fight for change in the American workforce!

Americans are working longer and longer hours in the modern age, yet only the 1% have the freedom not to remain enslaved by the need for money. The fact is, the minimum wage is not enough to pay all of the bills, only some of them at best, and without raising the minimum wage to a living wage for all working-class Americans, poverty, and financial hardships will begin tearing whole communities apart. More and more families need to work multiple jobs now to retain any real income to provide for their families and communities. This form of wage slavery is wrong, and in America, it needs to become changed for the rights of working-class Americans.

More and more families need to work multiple jobs now to retain any real income to provide for their families and communities. This form of wage slavery is wrong, and in America, it needs to become changed for the rights of working-class Americans.


CEO’s are already multimillionaires or even billionaires; they do not need huge tax breaks while the poor and middle-class Americans struggle just to make ends meet. America needs to raise its minimum wages for all workers substantially and dramatically. Opponents of increasing the minimum wage foolishly argue that raising individual employees wages may put a company out of business. I disagree. If America leaves the prices on rent and consumer goods stagnant while increasing the minimum wage, more and more Americans will have money, and will, therefore, spend more and more cash, improving the American economy. If we raise the minimum wage but increase costs on everything to compensate, the increase in minimum wage becomes utterly pointless.

So many people remain trapped in slaving away at multiple dead-end jobs just to make ends meet, often poorly, without the ability to pay for every expense without working themselves into overdrive and exhaustion, and it is a true rat race without proper connections to assist escaping from this fundamentally unequal system. The higher minimum wage you pay your workers, the more loyal they will become, and the harder they will be willing to work. It is just that simple, and no governmental bureaucracy will ever distil away the weight of the consumer impact of raising the minimum wage to 15$ or above. Our nation needs to give working-class Americans the respect they fully deserve, and an hourly or annual salary that becomes more than simply living from paycheck to paycheck.


Simon Stravitz
