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Facebook and Google dominate different kinds of news, data analysis shows

The news you get from Facebook and Google are very different, data analysis shows. While Facebook users are more inclined towards lifestyle news, Google is popular among those looking for job postings and technology news.

We get news from social media and publishers play the Facebook/Google game in order to draw readers. The two giants account for over 70% of all the traffic that news sites get, according to the majority of polls, and Facebook has rapidly gained ground being one of the largest sources for visitors.

But the people that use Facebook and Google to get their news, are searching for different types of news, traffic analytics service says in a new report.


Facebook users are looking more for lifestyle articles, entertainment, local events, and politics. When it comes to Google, users are more interested in job postings, business, world economics, and sports.

Articles included in the “lifestyle” topic receive 87 percent of their external traffic from Facebook, whereas Google search generates 60 percent of the  articles in “technology.” Traffic from Twitter can make up from below 1 per cent to 10 per cent depending on the topic.

A breakdown by topics shows that by far, Google is most popular when it comes to job postings. Technology articles, sports, and business and finance articles all performed above the Google Search average, at 61 per cent, 50 per cent and 47 per cent respectively. Posts on the world economy brought in 43 percent of the referrals from Google.

Sports articles also had the highest volume in any post topic category examined by

A quick glance over Facebook posts shows that users are particularly interested not only in entertainment but the social media giants also provides above the average referrals for other posts, including education and research, criminal justice and local crime and incidents.

Facebook and Google dominate different kinds of news

But the report also highlights that there are also other sources besides the two giants. A decent amount of traffic can be derived from Twitter, as said earlier but also Yahoo! and Bing!, another search engine, can bring in about one percent of traffic.

Sylvia Jacob
