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Tinnitus: preserving ear health


Have you noticed any changes in your hearing lately? If so then you might want to take precautionary measures in protecting your ears.

One of the five senses the human body has is the sense of hearing, and in many aspects of life hearing is a very important part of how the average human being manages to get through any given day. The question that arises usually catches people off guard. How do we deal with altered hearing? How do we take care of our ears knowing that there has been a significant change in the way that we hear things?

Are you familiar with what Tinnitus is? If you are not familiar, then here is a basic description. Tinnitus is a condition where you can still hear out of the affected ear, but you will now have the feeling of your hearing out of that ear being blocked, and particularly by an ongoing ringing noise that comes across as very annoying.


Tinnitus isn’t fun to deal with, and if you initially don’t know how to handle it, then it will be frustrating for you. The ongoing ringing noises, which can be described as someone hearing something from inside oneself, most likely keeps people up at night, not allowing them to have a good night’s sleep. For years people with Tinnitus have been wondering just what they need to do to take better care of this condition.

The linked video above will certainly give you a clue in figuring out what to do.


Tinnitus was initially brought on by pressure that was building in the sinus passageways that connect to the ears, and it’s the act of one applying pressure to the back of his or her head that will at least alleviate the ongoing ringing noises one constantly hears. While it’s not a complicated science, it is important to note how you should apply pressure to the back of your head. This method is simple, but it can’t be significantly altered.

Credit goes to Yellowcat_46 of Reddit for suggesting this method, which goes like this. You place the palms of your hands over both ears, and you keep your hands firmly on your ears so that no air can get in them for this moment. Make sure your thumbs, pinkie and ring fingers are pressing down at all times. Have your middle fingers press down against the back of your head as well, but also let them be touching points for your index fingers. Place your index fingers directly on top of your middle fingers, and then slide your index fingers down once you apply enough pressure. Alternatively, you can have both index and middle fingers moving as you apply pressure.

After you have poked the back of your head 50 times applying this specific pressure, you should be able to notice a significant change in your hearing not long after this. You will be more able to hear silence than those annoying ringing noises. Keep in mind that this method will not completely take away the ringing noises. This isn’t a concrete cure to Tinnitus, but rather a way to alleviate the intensity of the ringing noises.

Another good video to watch would be this one. Josef Rauschecker is a neuroscientist who has 35 years of experience dealing with neurologically related issues. Josef spoke at a TEDx event recently and he specifically discussed what he found out about Tinnitus. Josef breaks down the causes and symptoms of Tinnitus down to a science in a way that is easy for patients of his to understand. Josef claims that it isn’t necessarily a ringing noise in the ear, but rather a ringing in the brain.


Treating massively clogged ears

Sometimes when people come down with uncomfortable ringing noises in their ears, it doesn’t necessarily mean that they have Tinnitus. Sometimes it’s only a matter of one having a massive buildup of ear wax. Over a period of time wax builds up in the ear and eventually one will need to get that wax out. If you don’t treat wax buildup long enough, your hearing will start to feel altered as if something was blocking your hearing passages.

Here are the following ingredients to use as home remedies for treating massively clogged ears:

  • Olive Oil (provided that it’s warmed up enough so that it can melt the ear wax)
  • Hydrogen Peroxide (the bubbling effects that come from this ingredient helps your ears)
  • Colloidal Silver (preferably taking this under the tongue and in the affected ear helps stun the bacteria)
  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Warm Compress (sackcloth filled with warm water)

Steven Vitte
