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Roughly 200 million American voters’ records leaked


The largest voter records leak in United State’s history has just been discovered. What makes matters worse was that these documents were residing in a public Amazon server. About 200 million voters’ personal information were uncovered by UpGuard cyber risk analyst Chris Vickery.

A GOP data firm is responsible for the leak. Lately, Republicans have been investing millions into gathering and using citizen’s data to better gear their advertisements and more effectively gain votes. Information of voters that was leaked include, name, date of birth, home address, phone number, and voter registration details, like which political party a voter is registered with; also included were voter’s religion and ethnicity. The unsecured database not only had the personal information mentioned, but also advanced analysis regarding voter’s opinions on controversial issues like immigration or abortion. More than a terabyte of information was stored on the unsecured server. The served was able to be accessed by anyone who had the URL.

The GOP data firm in question is known as Deep Root. Deep Root has been working alongside Republicans and offering them large quantities of voter information to help Republicans know how to advertise and who to target. Deep Root’s co-founder, Alex Lundry, confirmed that the server uncovered was Deep Root’s and the company takes full responsibility. They have launched an investigation into the server and at the moment there is no evidence revealing that Deep Root has been hacked. They have updated their security in hopes that a mistake to this magnitude does not occur again.


Dan Calabrese
