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This robot can build a $32,000 house in 8 hours

A new Ukrainian homebuilding startup called PassivDom uses a 3D printing robot that can build a $32,000 house in as little as 8 hours, Business Insider reports.

The robot from PassivDom uses the 3D printing technology in order to make certain components for tiny houses: walls, roofs and floors, while the windows, plumbing, electrical systems and the doors are added by human technicians.

Once they are complete, the houses are both autonomous and mobile, so they don’t need to connect to electrical and plumbing systems that are eternal. Moreover, a battery that is connected to the house stores solar energy, while humidity in the air is filtered, so that water can be collected from it.

This robot can build a $32,000 house in 8 hours
Photo: Passivdom

“We should have opportunities to live in nature away from civilisation, but have comfortable conditions of a traditional house. This technology can allow us to live in the woods, on mountains, or on the shore — far away from people and infrastructure,” says designer Maria Sorokina.

The houses start from $31,900 and are now available for preorder both in Ukraine and in the US, with the first ones to be delivered later this year.

Lydia Peirce
