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The mystery of the “bloody waterfall” in Antarctica, uncovered by scientists

For over a century, the so-called “bloody waterfall” in Antarctica was a mystery even for scientists. Specialists have recently managed to find an explanation regarding its existence, though.

After its 1911 discovery by an Australian geologist, the “Bloody waterfall” has been closely studied by scientists. At first it was believed that its colour was a result of red algae. In 2003 though, specialists claimed that actually, the water that flows from the Taylor Glacier is red because of oxidized iron.

Scientists from the University of Alaska and Colorado College recently came up with a new explanation, though. They think that the water is flowing from an an underground lake a million years old.


The researchers managed to trace the water’s path using echolocation, discovering that the respective glacier has its own “water system”.

Diane Stinsow
