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The great debate: round Earth v. flat Earth


Do you remember your elementary school days? Each homeroom had a globe of the world next to the teacher’s desk or beside the chalk board. In science class, we learned how the earth revolves around the Sun; along with other 8 planets in the solar system. We learned about climate changes, evolution, and the stars that decorated the sky.

As a kid, we’ve been taught that the world is round. Like a ball. Hence the vast replicas of the world in so many schools, library’s, museum’s, etc. We never questioned what we were taught in school. Most of us were just hoping to pass our tests and make it through the semester with a decent grade.

Now that many of us are older, somewhat wiser, we seek the truth. In my research to discover more about our bountiful planet we call home, I stumbled upon an interesting article about a group of people, called Flat Earth Society, determined to prove that what we’ve been taught is lie. The earth in fact is flat.


In 2016, rapper B.O.B tweeted to his followers his sentiments on the matter; that he agreed with his fellow Flat Earthers, sending Twitter into a frenzy. We’ve all seen the exuberant amount of photos of the earth provided by the brave astronauts and excelled technology. We’ve seen actual proof that world is round. With physical proof, how could this group of believers possibly prove otherwise?

The Flat Earth Society believe, the earth is a flat disc protected by an invisible barrier called “the firmament,” a dome-like feature that is also referenced in the Old Testament. They also believe that NASA and the government has lied about the moon landing, fabricating the stories told and the pictures used in textbooks because it’s cheaper to keep the charade going then rather actually prove that these audacious claims could possibly be true.

In contrast to their theories, many scientists attest that we ourselves can prove that the earth is round. From simply riding an airplane to the existence of different time zones debunk the wild theories that earth even could be any other shape or form.

The entire argument is a head-scratcher and could be debated for years and years to come. It is wonderful to have such knowledge to prove or disprove anything we’ve ever been taught, but the only way we can truly know the answer is to simply find it ourselves. Until then, I’m positive that the members of the Flat Earth Society will have more evidence to support their claims while the good scientists will have their own discoveries to counteract or further fuel the ongoing debate.

