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CERN – International Archives Day


For 63 years CERN have endeavoured to capture important data and theoretical information that will expand our knowledge of the universe. Their archive, which can be accessed online, is open for all to view and glean important ‘nuggets’ of knowledge. CERN pride themselves on the sharing of information to promote the best possible outcomes for particle physics. Today the CERN website has published an article that invites everyone to access their abundant resources. 


Amongst the 1000 metres worth of archived information Anita Hollier wrote:



“CERN’s rich heritage has many parts: its scientific data, the black and white photos recently put online by the Library, the audio-visual collection currently being digitised by the IT department, historic documents of the iR-ECO group , and much more – not least the memory of its people.” (Hollier, 2017).


In addition Hollier advised that amongst the archive are documents donated by the widow of Wolfgang Pauli – the Nobel Prize – winning scientist.


Such a wealth of useful information can act as an inspiration to aspiring scientist and engineers. With the new student intern programme announced by CERN and their welcoming strategies, we are seeing the dawn of a cultural shift in the field of particle physics.



