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IBM hail 5nm Nanosheet Transistors


IBM research alliance has hailed the creation of ultra fine nanosheets for the development of even more condensed and efficient microchips. On the IBM website it is identified that now, as many as 30 billion transistors could be fitted onto the size of a fingernail, making processing capacity much greater. The details, of how to create these ultra-fine nanosheets.

The details, of how to create these ultra-fine nanosheet transistors, will be presented at the 2017 Symposia on VLSI Technology and Circuits Conference in Kyoto, Japan, less than 2 years after the development of the 7nm nanosheet.

Such advances in the size of microchip components will see an increase in efficiency of up to 75%. This will mean that processors will require less battery power, which could see smartphone batteries lasting much longer compared to today’s 10nm transistors.


The IBM research press release advised that the newly condensed transistor chips should be available in the not too distant future:

“The silicon nanosheet transistor demonstration, as detailed in the Research Alliance paper Stacked Nanosheet Gate-All-Around Transistor to Enable Scaling Beyond FinFET, and published by VLSI, proves that 5nm chips are possible, more powerful, and not too far off in the future.” (IBM, 2017)

As a consequence of such technological advances, we will see the advancements in cloud computing, mobile technologies and wearables. This will also see new targets set for the capabilities of current AI software and machine learning.

